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bler144: I'll go with The Economist, January 2016 issue.
This is evidence for... what, exactly?
bler144: I'll go with The Economist, January 2016 issue.
agentcarr16: This is evidence for... what, exactly?
I think it's just something that's handy if you run out of toilet paper.
bler144: I'll go with The Economist, January 2016 issue.
agentcarr16: This is evidence for... what, exactly?
That he is a rich snob with too much money???
agentcarr16: This is evidence for... what, exactly?
PaterAlf: That he is a rich snob with too much money???
Heh, I wish. I can't even afford my rent.

Though I do actually like the Economist as it's one of the few publications in the U.S. that covers the outside world pretty well. As I can't afford a subscription, I don't read it very often these days - usually just when traveling for work I might pick one up at the airport.

Anyway, it was mostly a multi-layered joke. For one, I've already entered my judgment, so new evidence doesn't really do anything [for me personally].

For two it was also a bit of a poke at the prior evidence - the joke being that the Economist is as likely as any of the actual options to help the jury sort out what happened.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by bler144
There's a clear majority for the laundry analysis, can we get that so we can submit our guess? I mean verdict.
Post edited January 07, 2016 by sunshinecorp
^^I agree with this here fella for a change, or we can all just holler 'NOT GUILTY' and go the heck home.
sunshinecorp: There's a clear majority for the laundry analysis, can we get that so we can submit our guess? I mean verdict.
I'm still waiting for the votes of the other jurors. There is not a clear majority yet (6/12). After one is reached, I will give you guys the option to use the bring on the evidence vote again.
PaterAlf: That he is a rich snob with too much money???
bler144: Heh, I wish. I can't even afford my rent.

Though I do actually like the Economist as it's one of the few publications in the U.S. that covers the outside world pretty well. As I can't afford a subscription, I don't read it very often these days - usually just when traveling for work I might pick one up at the airport.

Anyway, it was mostly a multi-layered joke. For one, I've already entered my judgment, so new evidence doesn't really do anything [for me personally].

For two it was also a bit of a poke at the prior evidence - the joke being that the Economist is as likely as any of the actual options to help the jury sort out what happened.
The idea was to still have you vote anyways, to help out your fellow jury members, and to still give you something to do so you're not just waiting for the game to end after you cast your vote. I considered dropping/locking members who cast their final vote, but like I said before, this game is sort of a test run to decide what kinda stuff I need to fix.

And hey, cut me some slack here, I'm doing the best that I can without giving everything away. Otherwise I'd get flooded with people like you who all vote as soon as the first piece of evidence is revealed.
Post edited January 08, 2016 by zeogold
Oh, one vote shy of a majority?

unvote Economist
vote Laundry bag

That should do it.
bler144: Oh, one vote shy of a majority?

unvote Economist
vote Laundry bag

That should do it.
Indeed, it does it.
It's been quite a decent amount of time and now there's a majority (provided somebody doesn't change their vote), so if anybody doesn't want to wait around for the rest of the voter, cast the following vote:
bring on the evidence
Once the tally for these hits 7, we move on to Day 4.
Post edited January 08, 2016 by zeogold
/evidence, bring
Evidence bring on you must...

Along with more booze, I sense some people otherwise might disregard the "no poo-flinging and naked hula" rules.
Post edited January 08, 2016 by Habanerose
Yup, bring on the evidence.
bring on the evidence.
Sorry, been a little busy with the locals. Please let me back in, they scare me more then you guys.

I also vote for:
Laundry Analysis, Defense Witness
011284mm: Sorry, been a little busy with the locals. Please let me back in, they scare me more then you guys.
I did warn you what it's like out there. I hear that they're now having some sort of assassin problem in the town square. THAT'S gonna be one heck of a trial (if there's anybody left alive to run a trial)!