fronzelneekburm: Despite jimYs best efforts to derail me, all the keys have now been sent out. Enjoy your new games, everyone!
Big thanks for your generosity. D
Sad that you had to put up with lil' Jimmy, small in all domains and not the brightest star in the sky...
fronzelneekburm: And now... the punchline!
Wow, my first impersonator... and what a disappointment he is :P
jimYs: Im just a 2-inch scammer for the million times.... i wanted to fuck first not asked for payment in advance.
You guys are too black... im a married hillbilly with 2 inbred children (1 from my sister, 1 from my mom). Yet your disrespect annoys my boner!
Sounds more like the honest truth now, 2-Inch-kun