Ruvika: Hi Gamez! Yeah, still want it :D
You are on a "Gifting Spree"?
I saw some people wanted some stuff, and decided to spread a bit of cheer around :)
(*GR drops a small gift box in Ruvika's inbox*)
Enebias: Thank you my good man! I'd prefer Harvester. :)
Sounds good....check yer PM in a bit.
RetroJaro: I honestly wasn’t expecting a response considering all the posts here are low rated…wow.
That's due to my "fans", actually.....they low rate a number of threads I/some others post to, and since I started spreading cheer here they have put silly red marks on all posts ever since.
RetroJaro: Thanks! Good ol’ apogee remasters. Now all I need is crystal caves hd and secret agent hd.
Hope ya enjoy the game :)
DiffuseReflection: Hi all,
Jet Kave Adventure is a recently released platformer with good reviews where you control a caveman warrior. It sounds like a fun adventure, I would like to try it. Would anyone wish to help me with that? It is currently 90% off at 1.49eur.
Looks nice....still want it? If so, reply to this message or send me a PM.