NightNever: I wanted to request a key for Wingspan which was offered in the GOG redux giveaway list but I was again rejected.
Finkleroy asks that I give him game keys if I want to be accepted to participate in his GA.
He told me that here someone "could help me."
So I ask here. : Does anyone have an extra key for the Wingspan game, please?
thank you.
(but hey, this request bothers me ... I feel like I'm sitting on a cardboard box on the floor in the street, my hand outstretched!)
finkleroy only ask to be active in the forum on non giveaway thread to prove that you are not here only for free games, the donation is optional if you want to accelerate the process to be eligible but not mandatory.
And this thread is made for this, so don't be ashamed to ask for games here, worst thing you can get is downvote but it's not important.