Since the Mafia series is now on sale, I'd like to ask for Mafia II - the only game in the series that I haven't played yet.
I beat the first game back in the days, but when Mafia II came out, I was deep in the local subcultural stuff (different gigs, house parties, garage band's rehearsals). In those days I quite seriously believed that my passion for video games was a thing of the past (except for Skate, Tony Hawk's series and maybe Guitar Hero) and I'll never return to it again. As you can see, it was pretty naive, and now I'm trying to catch up as much as possible.
As for Mafia III, one of my friends gave me a copy for some holiday a couple of years ago (place for a "former friend" joke). To be honest, I don't consider it as bad as I used to hear about it. Yeah, there were some technical issues, but it's not an extremely bad game after all. Maybe I think so because the main complaint that I heard most often can be described as "Mafia III is not Mafia II" (obviously) and I just don't get it.
I often see this game in the community giveaway topic, but I'm always late for it because of time zones (and ninjas). So, if somebody have a spare key for share, I'll gladly accept it.