JunglePredator: Nah... I'm pretty sure everyone on here (including me) just wants the games really bad... don't get me wrong I'd love to get more games but I do get that they're just a luxury not a necessity. Like I told Zeogold who was having trouble givign away some bowling game... you really want to give it to someone who would really appreciate it then give it to a children's hospital.
To me those are some of the few people on earth who NEED a game (a.k.a. a distraction). My 6yr old cousin in one with leukemia & she's gone through more pain & suffering then most ever will. (I though I had pain when I passed a kidney stone... but she's had all her bone marrow killed off, picc lines in & out etc.... just seems to make a 7 out of 10 on the pain scale not that important...)
Course 6 yr old doesn't need games... my vote was to send her a tarantula since that wouldn't cost the parents when she passed & cause her to get all excited but it was shot down by other family members. :-p
Anyways... JunglePredator AWWAAYYYYY!!!!!!!

tomyam80: Actually, i'll hv to sorta side with MarkoH01 on this one. I know there r gaming addicts who REALLY 'need' their gaming fix from particular games. (Well truth be told, i was once also one of those. :p) I was pretty much addicted to playing Diablo/2 & Dota some time in the past. While technically they were wants but they really felt more like needs so i can uds where MarkoH01 is coming from. ;)
However, i wun go as far to say the people or @ least everyone who asked for a game needs them but i wld agree that SOME (perhaps A FEW wld be more accurate) ppl do need their games. :)
Just wow.
I'm not even going to comment on this except to say that I'm sorry to hear about your cousin JunglePredator.
I said I wasn't going to comment on it (as steam starts billowing from my ears...)
I've received a few gifted games from some great people I've met since I joined the forums here at GOG.
I'd give them away in an instant if it meant taking away some of the pain and the thoughts that go through the minds of those that suffer without choice.
I think you should really re-evaluate your point of view on gaming addiction.
Oh crap, I commented. Oops.