apehater: to all people who gifted
ne_zavarj games during the summer sale
just look
here he had actually enough money to spend at least 50 bucks and unlock xenonauts and was fooling you with "ohhh i don't have the money but want the games" thing
amrit9037: But ohh... the reps ! :/
I was also broke after buying 20$ games and unlocking S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Clear Sky.
So I posted here about 3 times for different games and got some by trading and from
DampSquib (of course. Thanks for Shadowgate).
I think begging is not bad what bad is leeching from other good people.
Some of us may become broke at time a sale hits but it doesn't mean we should do trade by asking for games again and aging and scamming people.
Btw I am thinking for making
a GOG begging thread (like there is one on other website).
The website has rules like this.
We keep having so many people asking for free games, so here we will do just that! We'll give someone a game for free every month just for being the best beggar!
We don't want to leave any member on this site without games :)
Here you can beg/request for 1 game of your choice.
Don't just write one lines or be a boring beggar.
Come up with an interesting story of why you want the game and we might just give it to you at the end of the month!
Create a new thread to beg/request for your game
Your stories/requests have to be unique and only available at website. If you have posted it on some other site, it is not eligible to win.
Spam topics or requests without any reason on why you want the game will not be considered.
You can only open 1 topic per month.
Winners will be chosen regularly.
Begging Forum threads are regularly closed to select winners and they cannot be opened again.
We don't tolerate insulting anyone here. We love the beggars :)
**You need to be an active member on the site (logged in atleast 1 month prior to selection) to be eligible to win a game.
If any member loves any of the beggars' requests and wants to gift them the game, you are welcomed to do it!

amrit9037: I liked the idea.
Also thanks for reading.
Have a game (which you already have :P) F2IXC-8P7IP-IHKKW
Well put good sir! I was a bit guilty of begging when I first started here in the forums (which wasn't long ago at all actually). Wasn't being too big of a nuisance tho I don't think. Then started participating in other subjects and trying to gift some titles I come across that people might not have access to.
Just gotta take a step back sometimes and ask yourself 'wait... what am I doing right now?' Being fresh into the forums with no rep or avatar even asking for handouts :D That's not cool lol. It does feel great to give back to the community tho, even when most of the games are freebies :) I'ma step up my game tho once I get some money coming in. Wouldn't feel right not to with all the cool cats here that have shown me kindness.
I agree with the begging thread tho lol or perhaps renaming it a wishlist thread? To keep the actual gifting threads a bit more organized... hopefully?