mushroom_ff: Okay, here's two games left over from the summer sale. Up for grabs. Good luck.
2Q9E-ACLQ-5PY2-KZYW Torchlight
KWR5-5A2S-G79U-R24Y Omerta: City of Gangsters (4 DLCs included) (
Doesn't Include The Japanese Incentive)
Yeah, i'm sure almost everybody and their uncle has Torchlight, as many times it has been on sale / free. If not, there you go :)
Cool, may I have Omerta?
EDIT: Nevermind, looks like someone already took it.. Bummer.. -_-'
friendofcabbage: Laugh away man, I would, can't honestly be too bummed though, it's not like I lost anything and overall people on here are pretty cool :)
Right on! The community here is BADASS!
Positive you'll get your game sometime.
I can't wait to give back myself. :)