genkicolleen: Hello, I'm new *wavies* Why oh why am I getting involved in yet another forum... I have my own to run! lol~ Still, I sometimes get keys to games I have no interest in and which my members also aren't into.
I sent off a key to someone in the Ninja Giveaways thread today... Do we offer up games for grabs in this thread, too, or is this one just to post our GOG wishlists in?
Normally just an ask/fulfill thing, but I've posted things out of nowhere here :-)
Nice 2 c u, I'm sure Ninja thread would love your presence, but feel free.
Sachys: This ones more for posting wishes, though some people also drop a game here and there from time to time.
Oh, and welcome to GOG!
Sachys: Now then!
Has been awhile, hope all is kicking fine!