Posted December 23, 2013
high rated

Balls of Steel
Blade of Darkness
Blake Stone: Planet Strike
Cannon Fodder 2
Capitalism Plus
Chaos Overlords
Conquest: Frontier Wars
Corsairs Gold
Dark Reign 2
Deathtrap Dungeon
Duke Nukem 1+2
Eador: Genesis
Etherlords 2
Great Battles Collector's Edition
Hocus Pocus
Imperialism 2: The Age of Exploration
Inherit the Earth
Invictus: In the Shadow of Olympus
Jack Orlando: A Cinematic Adventure (DC)
Legend of Kyrandia, The (Book One)
Legend of Kyrandia: Hand of Fate, The (Book Two)
Legend of Kyrandia: Malcolm's Revenge, The (Book Three)
Leisure Suit Larry: Magna Cum Laude: Uncut and Uncensored!
Magic Carpet Plus™
Magic Carpet™ 2: The Netherworlds
Manhole: Masterpiece Edition, The
Pandemonium! 2
Pirates! Gold Plus
Privateer 2: The Darkening
Project Eden
Pure Pinball 2 REDUX
Rayman 2: The Great Escape
Rise of the Triad: Dark War
Secret Agent
Sensible World of Soccer 96/97
Shadow Man
Spycraft: The Great Game
Strike Commander
Subwar 2050 Complete
Syndicate Wars™
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms + Expansion
Total Overdose: A Gunslinger's Tale in Mexico
Tzar: The Burden of the Crown
UFO: Aftermath
Wasteland 1 – The Original Classic
Wing Commander™ 1+2
Wing Commander 5: Prophecy Gold Edition
Wing Commander: Academy
Wing Commander: Armada
Wizardry 6 + 7
Worms 2
Worms Forts: Under Siege
Worms United
Zork Anthology, The
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