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GreasyDogMeat: Sigh... not Corey Cole too...

The response post:
"Ugh. I LOVE the Quest for Glory series, some of my favorite games ever. I see this and it's like you've stabbed me in the back :( "
sums up how I feel about it.

Need to stop reading developer tweets and checking these forums. My childhood is being raped.

RWarehall: It's very similar to Anita's claim of finding sexism everywhere. Which she does through poor logic and exaggeration.
GreasyDogMeat: There are dozens, if not hundreds of videos taking on her hypocrisy... this is one of, if not THE, best and it uses nothing but her own words combined with video footage.

Wo(men) as Damsels in Distress. (The feelz!)

He has numerous other ones in response to some of her other poorly researched claims.

Wo(men) as a Reward.

Ahem... strategic butt coverings.
1 - I will not willingly support anyone who hates their audience such as shown in that tweet

2 - thanks for the videos, I hadn't seen those before (I was expecting some from Thunderf00t's Feminism versus FACTS playlist)
WSJ, PewDiePie, and the War on Gamers and New Media a nice article about the whole pewdiepie thing and what it means for the media.
The only reason I haven't terminated my Gamersgate account, is because they're the only ones that have digital versions of the Hoyle games from 2012, a.k.a. the good ones and not the crappy reboots on Steam.
Cyberbrickmaster: The only reason I haven't terminated my Gamersgate account, is because they're the only ones that have digital versions of the Hoyle games from 2012, a.k.a. the good ones and not the crappy reboots on Steam.
While the confusion is understandable, GamerSgate has nothing to do with #gamergate and the store is in fact far older than the hash tag. Sadly that didn't stop a lot of angry emails form getting dropped on their doorstep.

I still feel kinda sorry for whoever handles emails over there.
Cyberbrickmaster: The only reason I haven't terminated my Gamersgate account, is because they're the only ones that have digital versions of the Hoyle games from 2012, a.k.a. the good ones and not the crappy reboots on Steam.
Kharne: While the confusion is understandable, GamerSgate has nothing to do with #gamergate and the store is in fact far older than the hash tag. Sadly that didn't stop a lot of angry emails form getting dropped on their doorstep.

I still feel kinda sorry for whoever handles emails over there.
Were I that person, I would begin showing support for GG since it is the antis who are sending hate mail.
GreasyDogMeat: Sigh... not Corey Cole too...

The response post:
"Ugh. I LOVE the Quest for Glory series, some of my favorite games ever. I see this and it's like you've stabbed me in the back :( "
sums up how I feel about it.

Need to stop reading developer tweets and checking these forums. My childhood is being raped.

RWarehall: It's very similar to Anita's claim of finding sexism everywhere. Which she does through poor logic and exaggeration.
GreasyDogMeat: There are dozens, if not hundreds of videos taking on her hypocrisy... this is one of, if not THE, best and it uses nothing but her own words combined with video footage.

Wo(men) as Damsels in Distress. (The feelz!)

He has numerous other ones in response to some of her other poorly researched claims.

Wo(men) as a Reward.

Ahem... strategic butt coverings.
Corey Cole states he likes the idea of the "Gamer"-stereotype as an obese basement-dwelling nerd as was prevalent in the late '80s/90s having dissolved due to videogaming having been mainstreamed as a way to spend one's time. Seeing that he and Lori are avid gamers themselves and probably were before said mainstreaming, I can see why they'd celebrate the death of the cultural stereotype. Their celebration of the "gamers are dead"-claim, in its proper context, is hardly controversial even if the article he linked to was very on-the-nose in explaining said context.

Your childhood's viginity is probably still intact.
GreasyDogMeat: Sigh... not Corey Cole too...

The response post:
"Ugh. I LOVE the Quest for Glory series, some of my favorite games ever. I see this and it's like you've stabbed me in the back :( "
sums up how I feel about it.

Need to stop reading developer tweets and checking these forums. My childhood is being raped.
Well, he's right, if a bit indelicate in expressing his opinion.
The article in the tweet wasn't his. It's a rather old article written by someone else during the Gamergate-heyday. Corey merely linked to it because it explains the "gamer stereotype is dead"-thing even if it's filled with extremely abrasive language, which Corey acknowledges in the tweet.
Erpy: The article in the tweet wasn't his. It's a rather old article written by someone else during the Gamergate-heyday. Corey merely linked to it because it explains the "gamer stereotype is dead"-thing even if it's filled with extremely abrasive language, which Corey acknowledges in the tweet.
Well, he fully concurs with the article (language notwithstanding), and I happen to more or less concur with the article myself.

In general I think that Gamergate is at best a waste of time and energy on the wrong targets, at worst an excuse to go against said targets under an apparently noble cause.
Post edited February 22, 2017 by Det_Bullock
I can't believe this thread is still going.

Depression Quest was 3 years ago.
Det_Bullock: Well, he fully concurs with the article (language notwithstanding), and I happen to more or less concur with the article myself.

In general I think that Gamergate is at best a waste of time and energy on the wrong targets, at worst an excuse to go against said targets under an apparently noble cause.
Gamergate, or Chris Kluwe?
Post edited February 23, 2017 by richlind33
iiago: I can't believe this thread is still going.

Depression Quest was 3 years ago.
Gamergate is but one theatre (of war) in a much larger culture war that's still happening
low rated
iiago: I can't believe this thread is still going.

Depression Quest was 3 years ago.
Rusty_Gunn: Gamergate is but one theatre (of war) in a much larger culture war that's still happening
You just ripped that off from Bill O'reilly.
iiago: I can't believe this thread is still going.

Depression Quest was 3 years ago.
Rusty_Gunn: Gamergate is but one theatre (of war) in a much larger culture war that's still happening
I vote for "none of the above".
Rusty_Gunn: Gamergate is but one theatre (of war) in a much larger culture war that's still happening
tinyE: You just ripped that off from Bill O'reilly.
Honest, I don't watch Bill O'reilly, so I didn't know he said first. But to me it just seemed obvious that Gamergate was part of something larger.