Shadowstalker16: We control how your vision should be expressed, so that you don't hurt women : More from the quack. Might as well have read this off a crystal ball at this point, and that would probably have less contradictions. Why can't they just understand that they aren't entitled to control what other people do in their works? How do even reach that high a level of privilege that you think you should decide such things?
FYI that ''manifesto'' may give you cancer if you're a rational person.
Zabohad: Perhaps the joke is too meta even for ME, so I rather make an idiot from myself and ask directly: Did you noticed the linked "manifesto" is a spot-of satire or not?
Because if you do, you should be glad there are still
rational persons who see through her so well (not literally of course, that would be sexist remark :-)).
I thought it was real in some form, ie created by FF or based on their videos. But yes, I just found out it wasn't real.