Vainamoinen: The SJWlist is a literal Nazi hitlist WBGhiro: It's .it you dolt. Give the OG Fascists some credit.
Hello abusive person, and are two actually different websites. The ties I mentioned above concern the sjwlist, not deepfreeze. These ties are actually factual.
YaTEdiGo: as you people, yes you people, are really hardcore fans of Goebbels.
Quoting actual ad hominem racist abuse for posterity.
I reserve the right to personally find you representative of the gamergate movement.
Shadowstalker16: You still don't use concrete terms man.
The modes of abuse are still very much in the process of being defined by hopefully concrete terms, I agree as much. I think we're getting there in a few years.
As to factual incorrectness on that site? I just went to that site, I clicked the first person on that hitlist, the first instance that caught my eye, and I find that Leigh Alexander has supposedly denied being on the gamejournopros mailing list. Interesting. I click the link to the supposed proof. I find that Alexander has denied being on a "secret mailing list" of the "gaming journalism elite" that "decides the fate of the world". Well, everyone would deny that, because such a list doesn't exist. :|
So, caught in a misrepresenting distortion, one that I consider a blatant lie, on first click –
impressive. I could go through that list bit by bit, find a few truths but mostly half-truths and actual, unashamed distortions like the one above. In gamergate's most favorite case of 'collusion', which is the most normal mailing list that has ever existed, some people thankfully debated journalist ethics, i.e. talked about whether to report on gamergate and therewith drag Zoe Quinn's private life into the limelight even more. Many agreed they'd rather not report on it. So that's what the fate of the world was destined to be according to the "gaming journalist elite": No reporting on gamergate. Leigh Alexander famously did. See, she can't even adhere to the absolute decisions of that super-secret society she has evidently sworn a blood oath on. Great, that's another deepfreeze achievement for the lady! Contradictory achievements make her climb to the top, sure, but fuck that. is only just a shitty and entirely unethical hitlist, OK?
Shadowstalker16: 2.No I meant, she says it can't be abused. How does she intend to do that?
She can't, she simply can't, I guess we agree on that.
I've been on her twitter account, and my level of compassion for Owens is somewhat still on the rise. Harper has managed to extract the data of 140 persons from the site, data supposedly not publicly available. Owens claims she has thousands of files and the site that data was extracted from wasn't the real site actually. Unfortunately, those 140 persons already are
actual, real people.
So apparently a few thousand known, verified, proven online harassers are supposedly lying somewhere on the hard disc of a person that two weeks ago didn't know how harassment works online, who Zoe Quinn was or what gamergate was. Oooookay.
Owens may or may not already have uttered a blatant lie, but she's definitely neck deep in morally questionable argumentation.
Shadowstalker16: 3.Owens said it in her interview with Ralph.
She said many things in that interview apparently. Is there a transcript anywhere? Because I sure as hell can't access it.
Shadowstalker16: Its suspicious when the warned people receives harassment less than an hour later on her private email address she allegedly [only] shared with Zoe.
Then again, Owens has shown the tech knowledge of a Milo Yiannopoulos, i.e. none at all whatsoever. She has shown zero knowledge of the modes of privacy violations that exist. I wouldn't be surprised if people can google that "private" email adress.
The way she describes her conversation with Quinn, I find it very surprising Owen would give her a private email address anyway ...
In any case, the kind of conspiracy theory that KiA and cohorts are now concocting (i.e. all the harassment that "gamergate" supposedly did was actually Zoe Quinn [and her secret army of online abusers, I guess]) is just laughable.
Shadowstalker16: I don't trust her based on the fact that she receives patreon money
Man, that's a lot of people not to trust. I'd rather mistrust the people paid by the moneybags of the game industry, but that's maybe just me.
Shadowstalker16: Its the GGautoblocker. It lists twitter accounts that disagree with SJWs.
The ggautoblocker is a tool for personal use, basically employs the mechanics of an adblocker, and blocks twitter accounts that are in the debate around gamergate. Including people arguing against gamergate (selection is automatic if you follow/retweet certain gamergate agitating twitter accounts). I've found plenty of people possessing knowledge of having been blocked; they can appeal or ask why as far as I know. In any case, the privacy of those mostly anonymous twitter accounts is not violated. If we compare that to what Owen's portal is supposed to do – name & shame – I really don't see an easy comparison. But I'm always open to debating privacy concerns here, especially when a list of supposed transgressors, albeit anonymous ones, can be extracted. There has been a lot of great stuff coming from Harper this last year, but ... unfortunately not exclusively great stuff.