Posted April 05, 2016

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other
Posted April 05, 2016

You could say we are not an homogenous mass, especially not regarding opinions.
Remember Emma Watson? The supposed feminist Ambassador.

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted April 05, 2016

You could say we are not an homogenous mass, especially not regarding opinions.

Remember Emma Watson? The supposed feminist Ambassador.
And when you also realize that the holiday of Saturnalia often centered around breaking social norms and role reversals, suddenly the iconic symbol for social justice becomes clear. They're pagan Saturn worshipers and they don't even know it. I think Lady Columbia may be a bit jealous.

New User
Registered: Aug 2011
From Thailand
Posted April 05, 2016
low rated

The joke from Minsc is the funniest part here - it's a JOKE, guys. A JOKE. Grow some damned skin already.
Anyone who is so offended by the fact that someone made a passing joke at their movement's expense that they'd attempt to sink the game with bad reviews has no right to ever accuse anyone of being "too sensitive."
And anyone who is so offended by the inclusion of a transgendered character in a world with magic and dragons and orcs (and polymorph spells) that they would try to sink the game with bad reviews has no right to ever accuse anyone of silencing their views.

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted April 05, 2016

The joke from Minsc is the funniest part here - it's a JOKE, guys. A JOKE. Grow some damned skin already.
Anyone who is so offended by the fact that someone made a passing joke at their movement's expense that they'd attempt to sink the game with bad reviews has no right to ever accuse anyone of being "too sensitive."
And anyone who is so offended by the inclusion of a transgendered character in a world with magic and dragons and orcs (and polymorph spells) that they would try to sink the game with bad reviews has no right to ever accuse anyone of silencing their views.

New User
Registered: Aug 2011
From Thailand
Posted April 05, 2016

But, dude? The top-rated review opens with "political agenda" and "Minsc jokes about gamergate."
And, bugs and linear plot progression are not reasons to brigade a game down to a 2-star rating.

Crazy Penguin
Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada
Posted April 05, 2016
I'm completely ignorant of GamerGate, so let me see if I've got this straight.
GamerGate started out as a loosely organized group of people crusading for ethics in game journalism.
Now, dissatisfied with the content in a video game, they've decided to ignore ethics in user reviews by negatively reviewing a game they neither own nor have played.
Did I miss anything?
GamerGate started out as a loosely organized group of people crusading for ethics in game journalism.
Now, dissatisfied with the content in a video game, they've decided to ignore ethics in user reviews by negatively reviewing a game they neither own nor have played.
Did I miss anything?

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted April 05, 2016

But, dude? The top-rated review opens with "political agenda" and "Minsc jokes about gamergate."
And, bugs and linear plot progression are not reasons to brigade a game down to a 2-star rating.
Interesting point though, why exactly is there a transgender character in a universe where sex can be changed with spells? Won't everyone be switching around all the time and have no prejudice? Do you also know that this trans character speaks to you about their only defining trait, their gender, in casual conversation? Seems very private info to share to random strangers.
Some people are somehow offended at that lame reference. I don't get how or why. As to the trans character, if they feel he / she's put in in a hamfisted manner with poor writing, that's their opinion that they can express in their review.

GamerGate started out as a loosely organized group of people crusading for ethics in game journalism.
Now, dissatisfied with the content in a video game, they've decided to ignore ethics in user reviews by negatively reviewing a game they neither own nor have played.
Did I miss anything?
You can't review games on GOG or Steam without buying them, AFAIK. Are you referring to metacritic?
Post edited April 05, 2016 by Shadowstalker16

New User
Registered: Aug 2011
From Thailand
Posted April 05, 2016

So, minor character, minor reference. Does it make this a 1-star game? Only if you're offended by transgender people.

Crazy Penguin
Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada
Posted April 05, 2016

You can't review games on GOG or Steam without buying them, AFAIK. Are you referring to metacritic?
GOG does allow you to review games without owning them.
Post edited April 05, 2016 by hummer010

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted April 05, 2016

So, minor character, minor reference. Does it make this a 1-star game? Only if you're offended by transgender people.
And what if people see that as bad writing considering many minority sexual orientation characters in games have not been in your face with it? Ie Sir Hammerlock from Borderlands?
I wouldn't rate that low though. But I wouldn't go on to say they are motivated only by that. Ultimately, its extremely personal and some people would've done it in anger, others out of genuine hatred and others out og their other gripes.
Not multiquoting because it fucks shit up.

You can't review games on GOG or Steam without buying them, AFAIK. Are you referring to metacritic?

GOG does allow you to review games without owning them.
Steam should do a time period requirement for reviews like they do for refunds. I think GOG should either better monitor the reviews or scrap this anyman review system.
Post edited April 05, 2016 by Shadowstalker16

Crazy Penguin
Registered: Dec 2012
From Canada
Posted April 05, 2016

Agreed. One of the best suggestions I've seen for GOG would be to include a flag on the review that indicates whether the reviewer owns the game on GOG or not.
Post edited April 05, 2016 by hummer010

Jaded optimist
Registered: Apr 2014
From India
Posted April 05, 2016

Yeah, the blame game is very strong with this controversy and it seems to have started as it always has. Take blaming from both sides with a grain of salt (IMO more false blame from antis, but still, don't trust either side without seeing proof for basis of accusations with your own eyes).
Post edited April 05, 2016 by Shadowstalker16

Abrasive Charpit
Registered: Dec 2010
From Poland

Magic researcher
Registered: Jan 2013
From Mexico
Posted April 05, 2016

One side (gaming culture at-large, bros, GG) sees video games as a fun hobby with a universe of possibilities and only limited by human imagination.
The other side (SJWs, bronies, gender fluid walruses, left wing witch doctors and media whores) sees video games as a platform to use as an indoctrination weapon to force a series of very bad ideas into the heads of unwitting consumers.
I think the choice is an easy one. The next time you play a video game, just make sure to be wearing They Live sunglasses. Things become perfectly clear.
The problem is that SJWs have been trying to use us in many ways. First, when the show came out, they tried to "destroy" us, slander us and the show, that failed because Hasbro execs only care about money and not about social justice so they did not care about the claims of adult males tainting the show or the show reinforcing gender stereotypes. Then SJWs began to coopt us, they used the concept of acceptance many bronies naively believe in and began to infect the fandom (As they always do) and since they attract outcasts they succeeded in turning some to their side with stupid claims such as "Fluttershy is transgender" and wishing for tokenism in the show (Which has not happened yet and most of us are fearful of it). But SJWs still want us dead because most of us are "cisgender" straight white males. In fact Tumblrites declared a "war" on us last year trying to "Take back the show bronies stole".
In the end bronies are not different to all other fans of a brand. We are not different from whovians, trekers, arrowheads (Fans of Avatar: The Last Air Bender), or any other "fandom". Which means we are bound to have imbeciles and even SJWs among us. The problem is that they have grown rather vocal, but trust me, a large part of the fanbase hates them, specially because of censorship.
Edit: I find it funny that my latest posts have resulted in a very negative response from readers. I don't know who or why is voting me down, but I would suggest, if you think I am wrong, reply back up your view with evidence, don't just downvote me. I mean, yes, downvote me, but also point why you disagree with me, specially if you are against SJWs, because otherwise you are not very different to them. Of course, if someone already pointed your reason to disagree you don't have to reply, but seriously, just downvoting serves no use since it will not point what is that makes me being mistaken.
Post edited April 06, 2016 by LeonardoCornejo