dtgreene: Lockdowns are the measure of last resort.
Unfortunately, the situation is bad enough here that last resort measures are needed.
Imo a handful(relatively speaking) of cases isn't reason enough for a lockdown...especially when the lockdowns have been doing much worse things(to the economy, which people need to live, and other areas as well) in many cases.
Also look at several states that didn't lock down ever: they are doing pretty well all things considered....no bodies filling every hospital or piling up in the streets and etc, as you'd expect in non-locked down states if lockdowns worked.
Whereas in strict lockdown areas the case levels have(on average) gone UP....even with such measures in place.
What the CDC and WHO are recommending now, is: distancing, santization(hand washing, etc), and other similar measures. Those have been shown to actually do a good amount of good against the illness.
In the end, though, I believe we cannot make the cure worse than the illness......and i'd rather we didn't go into another great depression, as during the last one
MANY MILLIONS suffered and passed.
(Btw: in some states currently,
people are lining up in large lines for food.....cuz they're starving, due to having lost work and their businesses. And that was just from the first set of lockdowns)
dtgreene: Also, lockdown worked for Wuhan, China, which I believe is no longer threatened by COVID-19.
More like they likely just stopped testing people. From what i've read(leaked info from the region) it was eventually just as bad after they lifted their very strict lockdowns as before it.