BreOl72: But public health experts were quick to point out the
major flaws in the doctors’ methodology – namely that
only a tiny percentage of Californians have actually been tested, a group that is more likely to test positive and is not representative of the larger population. That is a bit misleading, what that rebuttal said I mean.
Of course the number tested was small, but it was more than the amount tested in many other areas(so a better picture of what's going on, at least in that area).
Also that's how such research works...they test and then retest, then test some more and adjust as needed.
That(their sample size being small or them not doing their science as others do) does not mean they are wrong(at least for their area or state), or that they are wrong because some other site said "they did such and such wrong".
They(other doctors and such professionals) need to "look into it" a bit more to determine it's validity, and then incorporate the good bits into their own research as needed, basically, and not just discard it like a piece of refuse.
BreOl72: But public health experts were quick to debunk the doctors’ findings as misguided and riddled with statistical errors — and an example of the kind of misleading information they are forced to waste precious time disputing. Good science doesn't debunk things that go outside the accepted norm or which don't match the current models just to debunk it. They test it and retest it to see if it holds water or not.
BreOl72: “They’ve used methods that are ludicrous to get results that are completely implausible,” Bergstrom said. This kind of labeling of those doctors by this one leads me to believe he dislikes them or what they are saying and is just closing his ears and discarding it without testing it. That's not good science.
Orkhepaj: It is especially hard now , as understanding and seeing who is right or wrong would need plenty of years of microbiology study + enough true info what the virus is actually doing.
I agree with this, and that is why I feel no study of sufficient 'weight' by a medical expert or doctor should be discarded or held up without further checking.