Nobody cares about this thread anymore, I just have some more news regarding noteable situations in Germany, Israel and France.
The "Heinsberg Study" is coming along nicely, but there was a lot of criticism regarding the methodology of the study. Its not officially out yet because the criticism from the media (and the population) kind off halted things. You can't write a study properly while responding to criticism all the time.
The lead conductor of the Study, Hendrik Streek, did respond in a podcast. He also adressed the lack of a "properly released" study, because releasing the study in a objectively peer-reviewed manner would've taken too much time, most likely
about half a year. They're trying to speed things up, however it won't be peer reviewed. The Study is expected to get publicised via pre-print during early May.
What is interesting regarding this short podcast is that they haven't conducted the same test in every household. The real number of infected people (and the mortality rate) may be even lower. This means that the "real number of infected people" compared to the "statiscially verified number of dead people" is pretty close to the number we do in countries such as Island (almost 1800 infected, with 8 people dead) and New Zealand, or in those villages in China where the mortality rate was exceptionally low (and where the whole village was tested). A similar study was also conducted in Israel, and the results almost align greatly if compared the Heinsberg study. The plot thickens.
Regarding possible ways of active threatment, people in Isreal saved (and partially even cured) seven critically/severely ill patients from the US with stem-cell placenta therapy, which indicates that my assumption that pregnant woman who're lived with COVID-19 may have "SARS-CoV-2 immune babies" so to spreak, because it indicates that a living, growing organism may adept to the virus much quicker than assumed. Its also almost 300 times cheaper (and probably more effective) than genetically engineered antibodies, which usually do cost as much as several Teslas per regular threatment (or about 150.000 USD, compared to the about 400 USD when it comes to the placenta stem-cells). This marks a huge breakthrough in terms on how to threat patients, in my opinion.
Israel ranks as number 1 in terms on how the population handles the current pandemic, Germany ranks at number 2.
Last but not least. I was wrong regarding the "Charles de Gaulle" incident. Right now 668 people seem to have catched SARS-CoV-2 on the Aircraft carrier, mostly because people noticed the infection way too late. I was assuming that people there tested the soldiers there quickly and effectively. News regarding how to conduct PCR tests in a proper way are only slowly making their rounds. Many of these tests can give false-negative (test say you don't have the virus but you still have it) results if people don't test the stool (testing the poop is actually very effective in detecting the virus) and sputum (thats the slime that you can cough up through your lungs whenever you have any sort of flu, this is also very effective measurement of detection during the second week of having COVID-19). Doing swabs of your throat alone is not a objectively good way in detecting the virus.
Link to podcast (unfortunatly its only in german). Regarding the stem-cell Placenta therapy Countries ranked regarding the handling of the crisis, based on AI calculations on a large number of several factors Here you can see how often false-negative test results can occur by only testing throat samples, anything below the dashed line gives the wrong PCR test result. You can see that the results become significantly more accurate if you also test stool and sputum samples