In an attempt to help out (especially since I've contributed taking the thread a bit off track here), here is a gathering of requests since zeo's last post:
[The last updated donation lists are Posts 7649 and 7692. Taken games on Posts 7680, 7694, 7700 & 7703]
innerring: May I have Figment?
01kipper: I would like to request
Zombie Night Terror please.
misteryo: Could I have one of those copies of Braveland, please? I didn't visit the Humble Store enough I guess.
Gerin: May I have Braveland?
51nikopol: Did I see The Secret Order 4 was available...yes please!
SkelettalAngel: I have requested Hacknet Deluxe Edition
Requests already fulfilled (listed below) -
tomyam80: Edit: Please note that i gotten the game code for GoIA fr another thread already so i wld like 2 withdraw my request 4 the game here. :)
Wolfehunter: Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine I would mind having a copy of this if possible. Thanks zeogold.
kmcoolice: May I ask for Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine (†)?
EDITED: The game was donated by bjgamer. Much obliged to you.
Warhammer 40K requests fulfilled by donor due to possiblility of keys expiring. :)
*edit for clarification and separation of requests fulfilled