Posted September 13, 2018
tomyam80: Just a heads up for some ppl who hv yet 2 redeem their free steam codes given away recently: it seems HB has changed their tactics which was 2 make Steam keys 'vanish' but they were actually still vaild to the current practice of hving time-sensitive Steam keys, meaning the codes must be redeem soon or they will expire. (See attached)
Not sure if this it confirmed true but I wld suggest all not 2 wait too long b4 using or donating such keys as they may not be vaild aft the redeemption deadline.
From what I'm hearing, since August the keys that HB is giving as absolute freebies for 48 hours or with deadlines attached are now expiring like time-sensitive Steam keys. The ones given out as "Rewards" for stamps collected, etc, are not. I don't know if keys given out previous to the August freebies have actually expired or not, someone may have to experiment and let us know. I wonder if it is to discourage key resellers since the keys may expire before they are sold.Not sure if this it confirmed true but I wld suggest all not 2 wait too long b4 using or donating such keys as they may not be vaild aft the redeemption deadline.