MarkoH01: How could this be? I never used it. Will check.
SkelettalAngel: yeah i checked too it said it was a duplicated key used by another account, told zeo about it and even he was confused still trying to figure out why that happened or what caused it with no luck so far
SkelettalAngel: btw i forgot to mention, the CoH2 key is a dead key... just to let ya know if zeo hasnt already
MarkoH01: How could this be? I never used it. Will check.
I think I have read that the keys from the humblebundle coh2 giveaway may be reused/returned after some time that's why I sent my company of heroes 2 + some other giveaway keys to zeo(were any of those keys invalid?) to give it outside of this giveaway because I wasn't sure they would be still valid. The same may be true for all giveaways from indiegala too.
People, why don't you get those Spec Ops The Line keys while they work(if they work) ?