Kaesemeister: May i have Destiny 2? I'm from Europe, so it should work.
I'm not particularly sure how to call this one. I've seen you on the forum before, and honestly, all I ever see you do is enter giveaways and contribute very little aside from minor "yeah, I agree with that" sort of posts here and there. I might be misjudging here and just not have seen enough, but it's my job to be cautious, I'm afraid. I'll have to turn you down unless somebody wants to stand up and say you're alright.
Denied unless somebody can vouch.
greeklover: If available, may I have Moon Hunters and Hearts of Iron III Collection?
Pretty sure I just gave away Moon Hunters, I don't think I have a 2nd copy although I'm not sure.
zlaywal: I just want to ask for NBA Playgrounds. Unfortunate that Tempest Pirate Action RPG donated after Gog connect is over though.
Also granted.
LootHunter: I would like to request:
Brohers: Tale of Two Sons and
Deponia: Complete Journey Granted as well.