badon: Is there a changelog for the lists? It's an all day project to check everything, but if there were a changelog that shows which new games are added, that would be super useful. I don't think there is any need to log removals, because if a game is in the changelog when it gets added, but it isn't in the list, it will be obvious it's no longer available.
It's not a bad idea, but to be honest, I have no idea how to set one up.
AWG43: Can I ask for Blood Knights for the end of the month?
BlueMooner: Since I'm unsure of those, I'll ask for Soulless and Soulbringer.
Geralt_of_Rivia: May I ask for the Kingdom Bundle?
All granted.
natewu: Hey I see Mini Metro and have been wanting it for a long time, could I have that please?
I'm afraid you don't have enough activity on the place to qualify. Do stick around though. Join some threads, make some jokes, hang out with the community, etc. and come back later.
Denied due to lack of participation.