Posted February 26, 2018

Registered: Dec 2013
From Poland

Great horny toad
Registered: Dec 2009
From United States
Posted February 27, 2018
Thank you @swr2048 and @zeogold for Wargame: Red Dragon!

Adm. Clíodhna, Phoenix, GM
Registered: Jan 2014
From United States
Posted February 27, 2018

If you do enjoy it, the Mystery Case Files series is pretty much the best of the best in the genre. I've yet to come across anything that's ever topped Mystery Case Files: Dire Grove.
Special thanks zeogold for helping us out with finding an introduction to the HOG genre with Time Mysteries: Inheritance. It looks like an interesting one to start with and I have to admit while Syberia looks good I was reluctant to request another game (even daggered) from the GOG Community giveaway before it can be restocked a bit more. :)
Thank you MarkoH01 for donating Time Mysteries: Inheritance and giving the wife and I a chance to try out a genre we have not experienced before. :D

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted February 27, 2018

Enjoy the game. I know I did. These HOG are quite inetersting especially for people (like me) who don't have that much time on their hands. You will be able to play such an HOG between two other games and some of them have really good stories and some nice point and click in them. Some even give you the option to play another mini game instead of the HOG sections. I have to confess that I don't play them for the HOG sections (which I find a bit boring myself) but for the "point + click light" sections and the story. The one you just got is a three parter as far as I remember - the story continues in the other parts even though the story is still sort of concluded in this one as well.

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted February 27, 2018

Enjoy the game. I know I did. These HOG are quite inetersting especially for people (like me) who don't have that much time on their hands. You will be able to play such an HOG between two other games and some of them have really good stories and some nice point and click in them. Some even give you the option to play another mini game instead of the HOG sections. I have to confess that I don't play them for the HOG sections (which I find a bit boring myself) but for the "point + click light" sections and the story. The one you just got is a three parter as far as I remember - the story continues in the other parts even though the story is still sort of concluded in this one as well.
Personally I tried one HOG Artifix Mundi game and didn't think the story was comparable to a good point and click adventure game.

Back to life again.
Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany
Posted February 27, 2018
I just sent 19 leftover keys to zeo.

The goose rules!
Registered: Jun 2009
From Germany
Posted February 27, 2018

Regarding the mentioned bundle: thank you for pointing it out. However I already still have a lot of Artifex Mundi HOG I wanted to play and I also try to buy only Steam games that can also be played without the Steam client (which is the case for each Artifex Mundi game so far).

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted February 27, 2018

I just sent 19 leftover keys to zeo.

Back to life again.
Registered: Dec 2008
From Germany

New User
Registered: Nov 2015
From United Kingdom
Posted February 27, 2018

Regarding the mentioned bundle: thank you for pointing it out. However I already still have a lot of Artifex Mundi HOG I wanted to play and I also try to buy only Steam games that can also be played without the Steam client (which is the case for each Artifex Mundi game so far).
I looked at Dark Arcana and I don't think it's for me, I'm quite reliant on narative/character for my adventure enjoyment. The game I played was Clockwork Tales of Glass and Ink. The puzzles were quite enjoyable but the story didn't have much too it.

Zeogold if it doesn't mess up your system can I please request Ghost Pirates of Vooju Island?
Post edited February 27, 2018 by supplementscene

The Puzzlemaster
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted February 28, 2018

Also can I have H1Z1?
Take the Trickster Crate as well.
Do you know how long it stays up? I can't seem to find that info.
Edit: Nevermind, found it right there staring me in the face.

Post edited February 28, 2018 by zeogold

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted February 28, 2018

I just sent 19 leftover keys to zeo.
For amusement, mostly. ;)

Mr. Snowman
Registered: Mar 2017
From Other
Posted February 28, 2018
Thank you swr2048 for H1Z1 and thank you MarkoH01 for Silence of the Sleep. Big thank you as always goes to zeogold.

Registered: Oct 2012
From Germany
Posted February 28, 2018
Can i ask for Rivals of Aether and Marooners?

I point an click
Registered: Sep 2011
From Canada
Posted February 28, 2018
I would like to respectively request Nostradamus: The Last Prophecy and Namariel Legends: Iron Lord.
What is this talk of "point and click light"? When we point and click we do it hard, that's how we roll;)
What is this talk of "point and click light"? When we point and click we do it hard, that's how we roll;)