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Gerin: Let's cut a little slack here. The beginning of a month has to be crazy for him.
MarkoH01: Don't worry, even though I am in fact curious the real reason for my post was to tease him a bit :)
Oh, sorry to butt in.
Impaler26: Apparently you forgot to add my latest donation to the list, just sayin'. ;)
MarkoH01: So, what's about it. Is zeo getting old and therefore forgetting things? ;)
He was here but he still did not post your donation afaik.
I should probably make a general statement on this, since I have had people concerned about this recently.

if I'm slow at putting a donation up, it's likely one of or a combination of the following:
- GOG's chat issues
- Real life slowing me down
- Me trying to time the updates

For the first one, for some reason, I've been getting this bug recently where chat notifications sometimes won't pop up at all (maybe it was related to them working on the new Support page...? always seems to happen when they introduce some new feature), so I might not even know it's there (as was the case for Impaler's donation). I'll usually say something like "Thanks for the donation!" and acknowledge I received whatever it is. If I haven't said anything of that sort within a few days of you sending your donation, please bump the chat.

Real life, eh, you all know how that is. It happens. I've been at class all day and at the time I was granting the donations that rolled in, I was a bit short on time, so I didn't bother to put up any updates, but I'll be doing a fairly big one in a little while here.

If I've recognized the donation and not posted an update including it, I'm likely holding back since it's near the end of the month and want to wait long enough to ensure everyone has an equal shot at it. If you send me something and I don't include it within the next one or two updates, please bump the chat.
Post edited February 03, 2017 by zeogold
Gerin: May I have Eschalon Book 3?
Gerin: May I have Eschalon Book 3?
zeogold: Granted.
As always, beautifully administered Zeo.
Update: Knights of Pen and Paper +1 Edition added, courtesy of Impaler26.
Rust added, courtesy of MadyNora.
Bet On Soldier added, courtesy of supplementscene.
A Virus Named TOM, Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse, Brutal Legend, Eets Munchies, FEZ, HOARD, LIMBO, The Novelist, Papo & Yo, RocketbirdsL Hardboiled Chicken, Stacking, Surgeon Simulator 2013, Syberia, X-COM: Apocalypse, X-COM: Enforcer, X-COM: Interceptor, X-COM: Terror from the Deep, and X-COM: UFO Defense added, courtesy of Crackpot.756.
Post edited February 03, 2017 by zeogold
zeogold: Crackpot.786.
Where is she, I miss her?
zeogold: Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse courtesy of Crackpot.756.
I'd like this if possible.
May I have The Novelist?

low rated
I'll take Cosmic Leap, looks promising and no one has asked for an itch key since ages, I can tell. Thank you!
low rated
May I have Rust and Surgeon Simulator 2013?
zeogold: Broken Sword 5: The Serpent's Curse courtesy of Crackpot.756.
triock: I'd like this if possible.
wanderer_27: May I have The Novelist?

PookaMustard: I'll take Cosmic Leap, looks promising and no one has asked for an itch key since ages, I can tell. Thank you!
KoreaBeat: May I have Rust and Surgeon Simulator 2013?
All granted.
Also, I'll nominate leonard03 for X-COM: UFO Defense since he mentioned that he missed it while it was free.
Update: The Bureau: XCOM Declassified added, courtesy of cardangrille.
low rated
can I ask for HOARD please?
cecil: can I ask for HOARD please?
Thanks Crackpot.756 & zeo.