erbello: Thank you so much finkleroy and PMPMGamer for RoboBlitz :D
erbello: Thank you so much again finkleroy and PMPMGamer for the Coffin Dodgers :D
JakobFel: Thanks PMPMGamer and finkleroy for Hearts of Iron 2 Complete! Another addition to my Paradox collection!
OHMYGODJCABOMB: Many thanks to PMPMGamer for Majesty 2 and finkleroy for managing the giveaway!
CthuluIsSpy: Thank you PMPMGamer for King Arthur Collection, Happy Holidays!
Persival2207: Thanks to
PMPMGamer for the dono and
Finkleroy for the great job
finkleroy: Granted.
RonianAUT: Thank you PMPMGamer and Biruchi
zaMNal: Thank you Crisco1492, PMPMGamer and finkleroy for the games!
CthuluIsSpy: Thank you PMPMGamer for the strategy games, and thank you Finkleroy for hosting this!
LootHunter: Thank you for the giveaway. Also my thanks to PMPMGamer and Schnuff for the games.
blastradius: My thanks goes out to finkleroy of course and to PMPMGamer for King Arthur Collection. Time Ramesside turned out to be used already but it’s no big deal, I’ll be enjoying these King Arthur games .
NickZah: Many thanks to PMPMGamer and finkleroy for Greed: Black Border!
erbello: Thank you so much finkleroy and PMPMGamer :D
Drakon135790: Thank you PMPMGamer for MIND: Path to Thalamus Enhanced Edition; SylvanFae for Anomaly: Warzone Earth and Anomaly Warzone Earth Mobile Campaign; and Navagon for Ballistick.
DiffuseReflection: Thank you once again finkleroy, and thank you PMPMGamer for the Grotesque Tactics 2 key!
51nikopol: Thank you PMPMGamer for Paranormal State: Poison Spring. I appreciate your generosity to this great community. Thanks to finkleroy for the work involved in this giveaway.
whiteflame199: i would like to request party parkade,defcon soundtrack,Quixzel Rush: Tooth Protector and space pilgrim episode 1:alpha centauri if i had any dagggered keys left for this month
whiteflame199: Granted.
here goes nothing. tq finkleroy for hosting this fabulous giveaway and i appreciate the hard work.tq PMPMGamer for defcon soundtrack, RedRabbitRun for Space Pilgrim Episode I: Alpha Centauri:
and slurredprey for Quixzel Rush: Tooth Protector.
Mortius1: Thank you to PMPMGamer x6 and argamasa x2 for the games, and to finkleroy for running the giveaway!
erbello: Thank you so much PMPMGamer, letsmaybeLP92 and finkleroy :D
JakobFel: Thanks to triock for A Game of Changes and To Ash, as well as PMPMGamer for Trauma and whoever the anonymous donor was for Hacker Evolution Duality. And a year's end thanks to finkleroy for an awesome year of these giveaways!
finkleroy: Granted.
Melinho85: Thanks Finkleroy and PMPMGamer ...
A Happy New Year!!!!!!
zaMNal: Thank you PMPMGamer (4 games), Korotan and finkleroy for the games. Happy New Year!
finkleroy: Granted.
Dogmaus: thank you! If someone wants to play Beat hazard against me, I'm Aozora on Steam :D
and thanks to PMPMGamer who donated the key!
bluethief: Big thanks to
PMPMGamer for Blood Knights and Deadly 30, to
Crisco1492 for Shiny, and as always to
finkleroy for the amazing work done on these giveaways.
Happy New Year everyone!!
cardangrille: Big list of thanks: Thank you AerynSun1701 for CrossKrush, thank you mrkgnao for Runes of Avalon 2, thanks a ton f times to PMPMGamer for Beat Hazard (it activated as Beat Hazard Complete actually), Trauma, Turba, Really Big Sky, Perimeter and Gravi, and of course last but not least, thank you to finkleroy! Have a happy new years, everyone!
finkleroy: That's three, but still within the limit. Granted.
Persival2207: Yeah I kinda missed that XD
HUGE thanks to
Liverpoolfanster and
DiffuseReflection for the donations, and even a bigger thanks to our host
Finkleroy, thanks for another year of dedication, Happy New year to everybody
letsmaybeLP92: Thanks PMPMGamer, triock, Pouyou-pouyou and kmonster!
You're very welcome, enjoy with games! :)