MarkoH01: Don't let such things get to you as you could see in the few posts above mine: we all really are appreciating what you are doing and are really thankful for it, this of course includes myself as well.
This. These giveaways do a lot for the community around GOG in many ways. Finkleroy has managed them very efficiently. This cannot be praised enough. The rules are clear, and if some eventuality needs interpretation, the manager is the ultimate arbiter. Everyone who participates is expected to know that. Again, the work that finkleroy is doing does
a lot for the community. Helping people who miss GOG giveaways; giving visibility to games that deserve some love; encouraging participation in the forum; and making people happier in general. Games meet people, smiles happen.
On a side note, that locked thread speaks by itself. Maybe it would have been nice if it had been a public apology thread, taking stock of what had happened and seeking reconciliation. Who knows, maybe one day.
Thanks to finkleroy for being there for all of us. Steadfast, reliable, diligent. Making our little community better every day.