Drakon1590: Hello.
As it is already February 1 in Poland, I would like to, if I can of course, submit my request for this month.
So if I can, I'd like to make a request for Sherlock Holmes Crimes and Punishmants?
finkleroy: The month has to begin and end for everyone at the same time. I've chosen my own time zone. Please re-read rule #7. It would be completely unfair if people in one part of the world were allowed to request games before people in another part of the world.
You are right about injustice, but I think your time zone selection is wrong, because the best (because the most fair choice) would be to choose UTC+14 time zone, as this is the first time zone in which a new day starts, and going further this way it is a much more logical choice due to the fact that everyone, regardless of what time zone they live in, could submit their request for a new month without waiting and possibly breaking point 7 in case of premature request for a new month, because the person has a new month already started, but not in the PST (UTC-8) zone, and it should be noted that before the new day begins in the PST (UTC-8) zone, in most countries around the world the new day will already last, which makes the selection of this zone unfair, because of this situation there will always be someone who will make the mistake of submitting their request for new month prematurely, an example of which is me, and yet I was not the first and I will certainly not be the last. But what can I know about fair and logical choices?
I will wait two more hours (i.e. until 9:00 Polish time), and then submit a request for new month (this time fully compliant with the current regulations), despite the fact that in the UTC+14 zone it will be 22:00, so 1 February will almost end there.