Posted February 01, 2022

Registered: Oct 2011
From Other

Registered: Dec 2013
From United States
Posted February 01, 2022
Well, I'd planned to be here at midnight to fire the starting gun but got distracted by squirrels*, apparently.
Appreciate both gogtrial and lone_scout for trying to keep the chaos in line :)
*Actually, I was distracted by the gift I got from doc in Jan - 9th Dawn III probably isn't on your radar, but it's a goofy but fun mashup that I'd say is roughly Diablo meets Eschelon but with lots of skills to level up and crafting. Definitely worth a look if you like arpgs that lean on the old-school rpg side.
Appreciate both gogtrial and lone_scout for trying to keep the chaos in line :)
*Actually, I was distracted by the gift I got from doc in Jan - 9th Dawn III probably isn't on your radar, but it's a goofy but fun mashup that I'd say is roughly Diablo meets Eschelon but with lots of skills to level up and crafting. Definitely worth a look if you like arpgs that lean on the old-school rpg side.
Post edited February 01, 2022 by bler144

Registered: Apr 2021
From Colombia
Posted February 01, 2022
May I request Loop Hero if it is still there?

Registered: Dec 2011
From Denmark
Posted February 01, 2022
low rated
Post edited February 01, 2022 by RonianAUT

...And now?
Registered: Nov 2013
From Romania

Registered: Aug 2020
From Argentina
Posted February 01, 2022
low rated
May I please ask for Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials kind finkleroy? As I've been already beaten twice earlier.

Registered: Apr 2010
From Poland

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands
Posted February 01, 2022
Current status. ~ 60 posts to go
That means the list I posted here wasn't final. *sigh*
That means the list I posted here wasn't final. *sigh*
Post edited February 01, 2022 by gogtrial34987

The Historian
Registered: Mar 2013
From United Kingdom
Posted February 01, 2022
As has been suggested in a previous post it appears that I've missed out on The Forgotten City. If this is the case, may I ask for Bound By Flame instead? Many thanks.

Registered: Aug 2013
From Ukraine
Posted February 01, 2022
I have made a list with requests and nominations (with keeping a forum code - quotes, etc.) for finkleroy. Will wait for the reply.
Edit: last request - post #12678
Edit: last request - post #12678
Post edited February 01, 2022 by AWG43

One Life 2 Live.
Registered: Mar 2015
From Costa Rica
Posted February 01, 2022
In my case I asked for, Close to the Sun Digital Deluxe, please. In post No. 12628.

Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted February 01, 2022

I have beaten the game with each of the 4 characters at every one of the 21 difficulty levels and I usually go for very large decks (practically always 30+ cards, sometimes as much as 50+ cards). I almost always get a card when offered and I almost never remove cards from my deck, except for curses.
That's the beauty of the game. It supports many playing styles.
Post edited February 01, 2022 by mrkgnao

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands
Posted February 01, 2022
high rated
Updated list of all requests until this point.
I've noted where I had doubts about a requestor qualifying, but did not spend serious time on this, as the determination isn't mine to make.
I did not check for multiple otherwise "valid" requests from the same requestor.
I did note where I saw otherwise valid request posts being edited, but could have missed some.
Nr of items remaining denotes items remaining "after" the request, if any.
1. de_v1to -> death's door (uncertain if de_v1to qualifies? name changed from de__vito?)
2. BenKii -> XCOM: Chimera Squad (nominates Enebias for Death's door - beaten)
3. Sulibor -> Jupiter Hell (1 remaining)
4. KetobaK -> Colony Ship
5. DiffuseReflection -> list -> Vaporum + Vaporum: Lockdown (1st on the list)
6. CthuluIsSpy -> Kingdom Come Deliverance : Royal Edition
7. Geralt_of_Rivia -> Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption
8. BurlyHeart -> Death's Door (depending on 1.)
9. blastradius -> Jupiter Hell
10. cardangrille -> Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
11. Wirvington -> Death's Door (beaten)
12. Dogmaus -> Cleo - a pirate’s tale - Deluxe Edition (nominates Benkii for XCOM: Chimera Squad)
13. d6nxyzrwk -> list -> The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition (1st on the list)
14. zaMNal -> Prey: Digital Deluxe Edition (or might be nominating the user called February for that :P)
15. Enebias -> Death's Door or Colony Ship (beaten to both)
16. fronzelneekburm -> Succubus + Succubus Unrated (DLC) (nominates mrkgnao for The Hand of Merlin)
17. erbello -> Scrapland Remastered
18. tag+ -> list -> The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut (1st on the list)
19. grynn -> XCOM®: Chimera Squad (beaten)
20. kai2 -> Steel Division 2 - General Deluxe Edition
21. drxenija -> Outward
22. ConsulCaesar -> Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
23. srhill -> list -> Project Wingman (1st on the list)
24. MaxFulvus -> Destroy All Humans! + Destroy All Humans! Special Skin Pack (DLC)
25. Arugren -> Overload + Overload - Anniversary Level Pack (DLC) + Overload - Community Level Pack (DLC)
26. slurredprey -> WItcher 3
27. JakobFel -> Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Premium Edition
28. Dark_art_ -> Banished
29. gogtrial34987 -> Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (beaten) -> 2nd option The Forgotten City (1 remaining)
30. TT_TT_TT_TT -> Succubus + Succubus Unrated (DLC) (beaten)
31. NickZah -> Succubus + Succubus Unrated (DLC) (and beaten)
32. THESLITHERYDEE -> Blasphemous Digital Deluxe Edition
33. comradegarry -> Monster Train
34. ashwald -> Inspector Waffles Purrluxe Edition
35. ariaspi -> list -> Serious Sam 4 (3rd on the list, beaten to the first two)
36. grynn -> ELDERBORN
37. nevarRed -> The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition (beaten)
38. Wirvington -> The Forgotten City
39. Orkhepaj -> Black Book
40. whiteflame199 -> Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Premium Edition (beaten)
41. Alexim -> Megaquarium + Megaquarium: Architect's Collection (DLC) + Megaquarium: Freshwater Frenzy - Deluxe Expansion (DLC) (1 remaining)
42. Pajama -> The Forgotten City (beaten)
43. bluethief -> Pumpkin Jack (nominates Enebias for Jupiter Hell - beaten)
44. arsalan12 -> Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
45. Lords3 -> Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Premium Edition (beaten)
46. servobeupstry -> Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - DLC pack (DLC) + Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - DLC pack 2 (DLC) (don't need base game)
47. Ice_Mage -> Yaga Armful Edition
48. eiii -> Megaquarium + Megaquarium: Architect's Collection (DLC) + Megaquarium: Freshwater Frenzy - Deluxe Expansion (DLC)
49. LootHunter -> list -> Tomb Raider: Anniversary + Tomb Raider: Legend + Tomb Raider: Underworld (1st on list)
50. phaolo -> list -> Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 + DLCs (3rd on list; DLCs requested before; beaten to all other items on list)
51. Rep7icant -> BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION Deluxe Edition (2 remaining)
52. park_84 -> Mary Skelter: Nightmares
53. muddysneakers -> A Plague Tale: Innocence + A Plague Tale: Innocence - Coats of Arms DLC (DLC) (1 remaining)
54. AWG43 -> Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete
55. Kelefane -> Siege of Avalon: Anthology
56. TheDudeLebowski -> Quern - Undying Thoughts + Quern - Undying Thoughts (Original Soundtrack) (DLC) (nominates Enebias for Jupiter Hell - beaten)
57. Apunami -> Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (beaten)
58. Paulo_Moura69 -> Curse of the Dead Gods (1 remaining)
59. Enebias -> Dread Templar
60. Catac1ysm -> Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete (beaten)
61. zlaywal -> The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition Deluxe (1 remaining)
62. Jeets2 -> The Hand of Merlin (0 or 1 remaining, depending on mrkgnao accepting the nomanation from 16.)
63. whiteflame199 -> Warhammer: Chaosbane Slayer Edition
64. Kobi-K -> Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption (beaten)
65. Enebias -> (nominates Klumpen for Succubus) (beaten)
66. truhlik -> Strangeland + Strangeland - Official Soundtrack (DLC)
67. AB2012 -> Blood: Fresh Supply
68. Lazarus_03 -> Gauntlet Slayer Edition + Gauntlet Slayer Edition - Lilith the Necromancer Pack (DLC)
69. LynXsh -> Strangeland (beaten)
70. Zezione -> Fort Triumph (1 remaining)
71. Bragnoldo -> Stardew Valley (unlikely that Bragnaldo qualifies?)
72. Baldur8888 -> Endzone - A World Apart
73. Apunami -> Stardew Valley (depends on 71.; however, edited 1-2 hours after request; clashing request 92. posted before edit)
74. ywzywz -> Lost Horizon + Lost Horizon 2
75. matterbandit -> Noita (1 remaining)
76. Ruvika -> list -> Mundaun (2nd on list)
77. AlexTerranova -> Dungeon Siege Collection
78. LifeLover -> list -> Moonlighter: Complete Edition (3rd on list)
79. Cavalary -> The Longing
80. SvitlaSveta4 -> Webbed
81. JunglePredator -> 7 Billion Humans (1 remaining duh-duh-duh-duuuuum)
82. DoryaMish7 -> Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition
83. Enebias -> (nominates Klumpen for Valfaris) (2nd nomination, but for the same person; nomination presumably declined due to request for Agony in 90.)
84. Hapygoo -> Songbringer
85. igorche9 -> Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (1 remaining)
86. jimrh69 -> A Plague Tale: Innocence + A Plague Tale: Innocence - Coats of Arms DLC (DLC) (edited during the same hour as request; no later clashing request at time of edit)
87. Klumpen0815 -> Succubus + Succubus Unrated (DLC) (beaten)
88. frost0 -> Fates of Ort
89. Ueber -> Space Haven
90. Klumpen0815 -> Agony + Agony UNRATED
91. Mugiwarah -> Kingdom Come: Deliverance Royal Edition (beatn) -> Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition
92. Tokyo_Bunny_8990 -> Stardew Valley (depends on 71./73.; uncertain if Tokyo_Bunny_8990 qualifies?)
93. BranjoHello -> North & South
94. BlueMooner -> list -> The Wolf Among Us (2nd on list)
95. Lone_Scout (nominates matterbandit for Black Book) (beaten, and presumably declined due to 75.)
96. Cymepa -> Vaporum + Vaporum: Lockdown (beaten) -> The Hand of Merlin (only available if mrkgnao declines the nomination from 16. which he said he won't)
97. Crisco1492 -> Megaquarium + Megaquarium: Architect's Collection (DLC) + Megaquarium: Freshwater Frenzy - Deluxe Expansion (DLC) (beaten)
98. JackknifeJohnson -> (nominates _Auster_ for Clid the Snail) (1 remaining, but declined in 146. so 2 remaining)
99. Cymepa -> Dice Legacy (depends on 16./96.) (1 or 2 remaining)
100. Apunami -> (nominates psychosopher for Noita)
101. _Slaugh_ -> A Juggler's Tale (not specified if this would be "collector's edition" or regular)
102. ssling -> Loop Hero (2 remaining)
103. Breja -> SWAT 4: Gold Edition
104. vgezer -> 7 Billion Humans
105. KingCross -> Black Legend
106. 51nikopol -> Dr Livingstone, I Presume? (1 remaining)
107. PMPMGamer -> FAR: Lone Sails + FAR: Lone Sails - Soundtrack (DLC) + FAR: Lone Sails - Digital Artbook (DLC)
108. MMLN -> Colony Ship (beaten)
109. Oddeus -> The Longing (beaten)
110. TheBigCore -> list -> Valfaris (3rd on list; available unless Klumpen accepts the nomination from 83. after all - otherwise Vesper, 5th on list)
111. gogamess -> Venetica - Gold Edition
112. UCrest -> Close to the Sun Digital Deluxe
113. aCyborg -> Loop Hero (1 or 2 remaining; edited during the same hour as request; no later clashing request at time of edit)
114. MarkoH01 -> list -> The Falconeer - Warrior Edition (2nd on list; 2 remaining)
115. Lexor -> The Curse of Monkey Island + Escape from Monkey Island
116. innerring -> BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION Deluxe Edition (1 remaining)
117. 01kipper -> Cleo - a pirate’s tale - Deluxe Edition
118. argamasa -> GRIS
119. bertzbeez -> Streets of Rogue + Streets of Rogue Character Pack (DLC)
120. teshra -> list -> Low Magic Age (1st on list)
The list is too long; more 2 posts below.
I've noted where I had doubts about a requestor qualifying, but did not spend serious time on this, as the determination isn't mine to make.
I did not check for multiple otherwise "valid" requests from the same requestor.
I did note where I saw otherwise valid request posts being edited, but could have missed some.
Nr of items remaining denotes items remaining "after" the request, if any.
1. de_v1to -> death's door (uncertain if de_v1to qualifies? name changed from de__vito?)
2. BenKii -> XCOM: Chimera Squad (nominates Enebias for Death's door - beaten)
3. Sulibor -> Jupiter Hell (1 remaining)
4. KetobaK -> Colony Ship
5. DiffuseReflection -> list -> Vaporum + Vaporum: Lockdown (1st on the list)
6. CthuluIsSpy -> Kingdom Come Deliverance : Royal Edition
7. Geralt_of_Rivia -> Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption
8. BurlyHeart -> Death's Door (depending on 1.)
9. blastradius -> Jupiter Hell
10. cardangrille -> Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom
11. Wirvington -> Death's Door (beaten)
12. Dogmaus -> Cleo - a pirate’s tale - Deluxe Edition (nominates Benkii for XCOM: Chimera Squad)
13. d6nxyzrwk -> list -> The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind GOTY Edition (1st on the list)
14. zaMNal -> Prey: Digital Deluxe Edition (or might be nominating the user called February for that :P)
15. Enebias -> Death's Door or Colony Ship (beaten to both)
16. fronzelneekburm -> Succubus + Succubus Unrated (DLC) (nominates mrkgnao for The Hand of Merlin)
17. erbello -> Scrapland Remastered
18. tag+ -> list -> The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing: Final Cut (1st on the list)
19. grynn -> XCOM®: Chimera Squad (beaten)
20. kai2 -> Steel Division 2 - General Deluxe Edition
21. drxenija -> Outward
22. ConsulCaesar -> Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey
23. srhill -> list -> Project Wingman (1st on the list)
24. MaxFulvus -> Destroy All Humans! + Destroy All Humans! Special Skin Pack (DLC)
25. Arugren -> Overload + Overload - Anniversary Level Pack (DLC) + Overload - Community Level Pack (DLC)
26. slurredprey -> WItcher 3
27. JakobFel -> Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Premium Edition
28. Dark_art_ -> Banished
29. gogtrial34987 -> Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (beaten) -> 2nd option The Forgotten City (1 remaining)
30. TT_TT_TT_TT -> Succubus + Succubus Unrated (DLC) (beaten)
31. NickZah -> Succubus + Succubus Unrated (DLC) (and beaten)
32. THESLITHERYDEE -> Blasphemous Digital Deluxe Edition
33. comradegarry -> Monster Train
34. ashwald -> Inspector Waffles Purrluxe Edition
35. ariaspi -> list -> Serious Sam 4 (3rd on the list, beaten to the first two)
36. grynn -> ELDERBORN
37. nevarRed -> The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Game of the Year Edition (beaten)
38. Wirvington -> The Forgotten City
39. Orkhepaj -> Black Book
40. whiteflame199 -> Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Premium Edition (beaten)
41. Alexim -> Megaquarium + Megaquarium: Architect's Collection (DLC) + Megaquarium: Freshwater Frenzy - Deluxe Expansion (DLC) (1 remaining)
42. Pajama -> The Forgotten City (beaten)
43. bluethief -> Pumpkin Jack (nominates Enebias for Jupiter Hell - beaten)
44. arsalan12 -> Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
45. Lords3 -> Age of Wonders: Planetfall - Premium Edition (beaten)
46. servobeupstry -> Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - DLC pack (DLC) + Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 - DLC pack 2 (DLC) (don't need base game)
47. Ice_Mage -> Yaga Armful Edition
48. eiii -> Megaquarium + Megaquarium: Architect's Collection (DLC) + Megaquarium: Freshwater Frenzy - Deluxe Expansion (DLC)
49. LootHunter -> list -> Tomb Raider: Anniversary + Tomb Raider: Legend + Tomb Raider: Underworld (1st on list)
50. phaolo -> list -> Hyperdimension Neptunia Re;Birth1 + DLCs (3rd on list; DLCs requested before; beaten to all other items on list)
51. Rep7icant -> BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION Deluxe Edition (2 remaining)
52. park_84 -> Mary Skelter: Nightmares
53. muddysneakers -> A Plague Tale: Innocence + A Plague Tale: Innocence - Coats of Arms DLC (DLC) (1 remaining)
54. AWG43 -> Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete
55. Kelefane -> Siege of Avalon: Anthology
56. TheDudeLebowski -> Quern - Undying Thoughts + Quern - Undying Thoughts (Original Soundtrack) (DLC) (nominates Enebias for Jupiter Hell - beaten)
57. Apunami -> Monster Boy and the Cursed Kingdom (beaten)
58. Paulo_Moura69 -> Curse of the Dead Gods (1 remaining)
59. Enebias -> Dread Templar
60. Catac1ysm -> Neverwinter Nights 2 Complete (beaten)
61. zlaywal -> The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition Deluxe (1 remaining)
62. Jeets2 -> The Hand of Merlin (0 or 1 remaining, depending on mrkgnao accepting the nomanation from 16.)
63. whiteflame199 -> Warhammer: Chaosbane Slayer Edition
64. Kobi-K -> Hero-U: Rogue to Redemption (beaten)
65. Enebias -> (nominates Klumpen for Succubus) (beaten)
66. truhlik -> Strangeland + Strangeland - Official Soundtrack (DLC)
67. AB2012 -> Blood: Fresh Supply
68. Lazarus_03 -> Gauntlet Slayer Edition + Gauntlet Slayer Edition - Lilith the Necromancer Pack (DLC)
69. LynXsh -> Strangeland (beaten)
70. Zezione -> Fort Triumph (1 remaining)
71. Bragnoldo -> Stardew Valley (unlikely that Bragnaldo qualifies?)
72. Baldur8888 -> Endzone - A World Apart
73. Apunami -> Stardew Valley (depends on 71.; however, edited 1-2 hours after request; clashing request 92. posted before edit)
74. ywzywz -> Lost Horizon + Lost Horizon 2
75. matterbandit -> Noita (1 remaining)
76. Ruvika -> list -> Mundaun (2nd on list)
77. AlexTerranova -> Dungeon Siege Collection
78. LifeLover -> list -> Moonlighter: Complete Edition (3rd on list)
79. Cavalary -> The Longing
80. SvitlaSveta4 -> Webbed
81. JunglePredator -> 7 Billion Humans (1 remaining duh-duh-duh-duuuuum)
82. DoryaMish7 -> Batman: Arkham City - Game of the Year Edition
83. Enebias -> (nominates Klumpen for Valfaris) (2nd nomination, but for the same person; nomination presumably declined due to request for Agony in 90.)
84. Hapygoo -> Songbringer
85. igorche9 -> Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition (1 remaining)
86. jimrh69 -> A Plague Tale: Innocence + A Plague Tale: Innocence - Coats of Arms DLC (DLC) (edited during the same hour as request; no later clashing request at time of edit)
87. Klumpen0815 -> Succubus + Succubus Unrated (DLC) (beaten)
88. frost0 -> Fates of Ort
89. Ueber -> Space Haven
90. Klumpen0815 -> Agony + Agony UNRATED
91. Mugiwarah -> Kingdom Come: Deliverance Royal Edition (beatn) -> Planescape: Torment: Enhanced Edition
92. Tokyo_Bunny_8990 -> Stardew Valley (depends on 71./73.; uncertain if Tokyo_Bunny_8990 qualifies?)
93. BranjoHello -> North & South
94. BlueMooner -> list -> The Wolf Among Us (2nd on list)
95. Lone_Scout (nominates matterbandit for Black Book) (beaten, and presumably declined due to 75.)
96. Cymepa -> Vaporum + Vaporum: Lockdown (beaten) -> The Hand of Merlin (only available if mrkgnao declines the nomination from 16. which he said he won't)
97. Crisco1492 -> Megaquarium + Megaquarium: Architect's Collection (DLC) + Megaquarium: Freshwater Frenzy - Deluxe Expansion (DLC) (beaten)
98. JackknifeJohnson -> (nominates _Auster_ for Clid the Snail) (1 remaining, but declined in 146. so 2 remaining)
99. Cymepa -> Dice Legacy (depends on 16./96.) (1 or 2 remaining)
100. Apunami -> (nominates psychosopher for Noita)
101. _Slaugh_ -> A Juggler's Tale (not specified if this would be "collector's edition" or regular)
102. ssling -> Loop Hero (2 remaining)
103. Breja -> SWAT 4: Gold Edition
104. vgezer -> 7 Billion Humans
105. KingCross -> Black Legend
106. 51nikopol -> Dr Livingstone, I Presume? (1 remaining)
107. PMPMGamer -> FAR: Lone Sails + FAR: Lone Sails - Soundtrack (DLC) + FAR: Lone Sails - Digital Artbook (DLC)
108. MMLN -> Colony Ship (beaten)
109. Oddeus -> The Longing (beaten)
110. TheBigCore -> list -> Valfaris (3rd on list; available unless Klumpen accepts the nomination from 83. after all - otherwise Vesper, 5th on list)
111. gogamess -> Venetica - Gold Edition
112. UCrest -> Close to the Sun Digital Deluxe
113. aCyborg -> Loop Hero (1 or 2 remaining; edited during the same hour as request; no later clashing request at time of edit)
114. MarkoH01 -> list -> The Falconeer - Warrior Edition (2nd on list; 2 remaining)
115. Lexor -> The Curse of Monkey Island + Escape from Monkey Island
116. innerring -> BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION Deluxe Edition (1 remaining)
117. 01kipper -> Cleo - a pirate’s tale - Deluxe Edition
118. argamasa -> GRIS
119. bertzbeez -> Streets of Rogue + Streets of Rogue Character Pack (DLC)
120. teshra -> list -> Low Magic Age (1st on list)
The list is too long; more 2 posts below.
Post edited February 01, 2022 by gogtrial34987

Registered: Apr 2009
From United States
Posted February 01, 2022

62. Jeets2 -> The Hand of Merlin (0/1 remaining, depending on mrkgnao accepting the nomanation from 16.)
96. Cymepa -> Vaporum + Vaporum: Lockdown (beaten) -> The Hand of Merlin (depends on nomination for mrkgnao from 16.)

Grog'tial | half-dwarf, dual-bolt crossbow
Registered: Dec 2013
From Netherlands
Posted February 01, 2022
high rated
121. Ixamyakxim -> Dice Legacy (0 or 1 remaining, depending on 99.)
122. 13ison -> Shenmue III Deluxe Edition (1 remaining; uncertain if 13ison qualifies?)
123. Amclass -> Destroy All Humans! + Destroy All Humans! Special Skin Pack (DLC) or Kingdom Come Deliverance (beaten to both)
124. BookCrazy -> Wildfire
125. Lionel212008 -> Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (beaten)
126. te_lanus -> Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan + Grim Legends 3: The Dark City + Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
127. MovingArtillery -> Steel Division 2 - General Deluxe Edition (beaten) or Project Wingman (beaten to both)
128. andysheets1975 -> Saboteur! + Saboteur II: Avenging Angel + Saboteur SiO
129. letsmaybeLP92 -> Dorfromantik (edited 4 minutes later; no later clashing request at time of edit)
130. kultpcgames -> The Falconeer - Warrior Edition (1 remaining)
131. albinistic -> Loop Hero (0 or 1 remaining, depending on 113.)
132. RonianAUT -> Death's Door (?? re-request might be implied, but not stated; otherwise Noita) (only available if psychosopher declines the nomination from 100.; edited 7 minutes later; no later clashing request at time of edit)
133. Apunami -> Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials (depends on 73.)
134. Pajama -> Bound By Flame
135. Oddeus -> Strange Horticulture
136. kmonster -> Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown
137. triock -> The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
138. Korotan -> A Legionary's Life (1 remaining)
139. enpy -> Witchaven I & II Bundle
140. TT_TT_TT_TT -> A Juggler's Tale Collector's Edition
141. spds100 -> Outward : The Adventurer Bundle (beaten)
142. PixelBoy -> Warp Frontier
143. Melvinica -> A Plague Tale: Innocence + A Plague Tale: Innocence - Coats of Arms DLC (DLC) (depends on 86.)
144. Schizo2015 -> BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION Deluxe Edition
145. greyhat -> Intravenous
146. _Auster_ -> OPUS: The Day We Found Earth + OPUS: Rocket of Whispers (assuming 98. doesn't apply)
147. jimrh69 -> Warp Frontier (depends on 86.; edited 2 minutes later; no later clashing request at time of edit)
148. ciemnogrodzianin -> Beautiful Desolation or Black Book (beaten to both)
149. Microfish_1 -> list -> Marble Age: Remastered (2nd on list; 1 remaining)
150. jimrh69 -> Warp Frontier (depends on 86.)
Updated through #12724
122. 13ison -> Shenmue III Deluxe Edition (1 remaining; uncertain if 13ison qualifies?)
123. Amclass -> Destroy All Humans! + Destroy All Humans! Special Skin Pack (DLC) or Kingdom Come Deliverance (beaten to both)
124. BookCrazy -> Wildfire
125. Lionel212008 -> Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain (beaten)
126. te_lanus -> Grim Legends 2: Song of the Dark Swan + Grim Legends 3: The Dark City + Grim Legends: The Forsaken Bride
127. MovingArtillery -> Steel Division 2 - General Deluxe Edition (beaten) or Project Wingman (beaten to both)
128. andysheets1975 -> Saboteur! + Saboteur II: Avenging Angel + Saboteur SiO
129. letsmaybeLP92 -> Dorfromantik (edited 4 minutes later; no later clashing request at time of edit)
130. kultpcgames -> The Falconeer - Warrior Edition (1 remaining)
131. albinistic -> Loop Hero (0 or 1 remaining, depending on 113.)
132. RonianAUT -> Death's Door (?? re-request might be implied, but not stated; otherwise Noita) (only available if psychosopher declines the nomination from 100.; edited 7 minutes later; no later clashing request at time of edit)
133. Apunami -> Batbarian: Testament of the Primordials (depends on 73.)
134. Pajama -> Bound By Flame
135. Oddeus -> Strange Horticulture
136. kmonster -> Legends of Amberland: The Forgotten Crown
137. triock -> The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion - Game of the Year Edition Deluxe
138. Korotan -> A Legionary's Life (1 remaining)
139. enpy -> Witchaven I & II Bundle
140. TT_TT_TT_TT -> A Juggler's Tale Collector's Edition
141. spds100 -> Outward : The Adventurer Bundle (beaten)
142. PixelBoy -> Warp Frontier
143. Melvinica -> A Plague Tale: Innocence + A Plague Tale: Innocence - Coats of Arms DLC (DLC) (depends on 86.)
144. Schizo2015 -> BEAUTIFUL DESOLATION Deluxe Edition
145. greyhat -> Intravenous
146. _Auster_ -> OPUS: The Day We Found Earth + OPUS: Rocket of Whispers (assuming 98. doesn't apply)
147. jimrh69 -> Warp Frontier (depends on 86.; edited 2 minutes later; no later clashing request at time of edit)
148. ciemnogrodzianin -> Beautiful Desolation or Black Book (beaten to both)
149. Microfish_1 -> list -> Marble Age: Remastered (2nd on list; 1 remaining)
150. jimrh69 -> Warp Frontier (depends on 86.)
Updated through #12724
Post edited February 01, 2022 by gogtrial34987