Doc0075: It will soon be time for the winter sale so I would like some suggestions for games to be added to the community giveaway after it has finished (early January).
I already have 100 games put aside ready so I am looking for good/desirable games that I might not think of. JRPG's for example as it is not a genre that I am familiar with and don't generally go looking for. Or good games that you rarely see added to this giveaway.
ConsulCaesar: Here are some suggestions of games that I am interested in or I have already played and enjoyed that have rarely been seen, if ever, in this giveaway (the number of previous donations is taken from the
List of taken keys linked in post #3).
- Ancestors: The Humankind Odyssey (never been donated to the GOG Community GIveaway)
- Assassin's Creed®: Director's Cut (never been donated)
- Banished (donated once)
- Banner Saga (donated once)
- Beyond a Steel Sky (donated twice)
- Black Legend (donated once)
- The Blackwell Bundle / The Blackwell Epiphany (never been donated)
- Expeditions: Conquistador (donated twice)
- Gibbous - A Cthulhu Adventure (donated once)
- Heaven's Vault (never been donated)
- Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade (donated once)
- Loom (never been donated)
- The Sexy Brutale (donated once)
- Sid Meier's Civilization IV: The Complete Edition (donated twice)
- SId Meier's Colonization (donated once)
- Suzerein (never been donated)
- Technobabylon (donated 3 times)
I second Suzerein, Banished, and Technobabylon and add on the Myst games and The Incredible Machine (a classic)