Doc0075: It will soon be time for the winter sale so I would like some suggestions for games to be added to the community giveaway after it has finished (early January).
I already have 100 games put aside ready so I am looking for good/desirable games that I might not think of. JRPG's for example as it is not a genre that I am familiar with and don't generally go looking for. Or good games that you rarely see added to this giveaway.
I'd also just like to thank you for your endless generosity and continued efforts to not only spread some joy through your gifts but also encourage positive interaction and the, well, feeling of community in what's left of this community.
About games, I'm sure the huge list you already have, not to mention what else you'll add to it, will have something for everyone. (And I have little experience with JRPGs too, and the only one I played that I'd recommend would be Septerra Core, unless people take the J to mean where it was made and not the gameplay, in which case none.)