Big thanks to JackknifeJohnson for keeping track of things! You're pretty amazing, dude.
servobeupstry: May I request Kathy Rain please? Thanks.
T_a_J: Hello. I want to ask for Kingdom: New Lands Royal Edition ?
BranjoHello: Can I have
Supraland, if by some miracle someone hasn't ask already for it?
Alexim: I'd like to ask for
The Expression Amrilato, it looks like a more challenging visual novel than usual.
blastradius: Hey, welcome back, zeogold. Could I humbly request Ghost 1.0?
PMPMGamer: Can I ask for Tetrobot and Co.?
personthingy: Welcome back zeo! :D
May I request
Higurashi When They Cry Hou - Ch.1 Onikakushi? I've been curious about this series for a while now
Paulo_Moura69: May I request Return to Castle Wolfenstein.
Falci: Can I get Unreal Tournament GOTY? Thanks!
Ueber: May I ask for
Zombie Night Terror please?
Kelefane: May I request Eschalon Book I + Book II + Book III ?
OHMYGODJCABOMB: Can I ask for Deponia bundle?
Dogmaus: [...] I still want badly that SEUM Key!
zaMNal: [...] Still lucky to see Screamer 4x4 available and would like to request it if possible. Thank you! :)
srhill: EDIT: In the event that neither of these is available, I'd like to ask for StarCrawlers.
i_hope_you_rot: May i request TRI: Of Friendship and Madness ?
Thank you .
All granted.
Gekko_Dekko: may I ask for Supraland, or somebody already did so?
srhill: If there are any copies left, I'd like to put in for Ghost 1.0.
EDIT: Or, failing that, Zombie Night Terror, which looks like a blast.
grounddown77: I/ would love star crawlers if it is available. Thanks
Got beaten to 'em, sorry.
supplementscene: Hi Zeo, I'm not sure if it's possible to just get Book 3 of Eschalon series as I have the other 2? If not nevermind
Full package deal's how it goes. Sorry.