ariaspi: Since no one seems interested in
Sir, You Are Being Hunted, may I ask for it, please? :)
powergod: Hi,
if it's still available, could I have
"Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers " ?
Also granted.
nikzeo: hi. can i have Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Fathers?
I can't find any posts on the forum from you aside from this one. Hang around the place a while and come back after you've been more active.
Denied due to lack of participation.
Take my advice, Syberia 3 is AWFUL. If you liked the first 2 Syberia games, definitely do NOT play it because it ruins the memory of them. I can send you my full review on it, if you like, but there's a lot of reasons that it's an absolute wreck of a game.
Enebias: Hm... why don't we change the rules to solve troubles, so that everyone might agree?
Something like this:
-all games are updated at the beginning of each month, those requested are given away solely at the end;
-you can request up to three games per month, but you can win only one;
-if more than a person asks the same game in the same order of preference, the winner is randomly chosen;
-if someone breaks the rules, they are banned for the month.
Mmm...I could theoretically do this, but it would:
1. be a bit more work
2. inevitably leave a pretty high amount of people who end up getting nothing in comparison to how it works currently - if there are 3 really popular games on the list, people would bank all their requests on those alone and then leave the less-popular games completely, whereas they might have normally taken those less-popular games at the end of the month after seeing the more-popular ones gone
51nikopol: Why do new people who ask for a game that is not on the list get told off but this is O.K.? And then you get the game you begged for. I think the word you used is shameful and I agree.
Dogmaus: 1: I think you are being unfair likening BeatriceElysia to a game beggar, while she has donated games here.
2: then you do the same?
1. I mean, being a donor doesn't absolve someone of everything. I mean, Beatrice has also asked for Doc to donate specific games before, which didn't particularly go over too well either. I ain't perfect just because I run the giveaway, either.
2. I think he was being sarcastic/mocking with that, to be fair.
In regards to the whole "asking to be nominated for a game if it shows up on the list", in my opinion, I'm not really sure how to feel about being "in the spirit of the giveaway" or not, but I leave it up to the individual asking/potential nominators to decide that for themselves if they feel it's appropriate. If somebody gets nominated and they qualify for giveaway, that's enough for me to give it to them.