Posted June 05, 2018
However, it is a mistake which includes a third party (the publisher). In addition those keys could be sold u know where. Lastly, even if all 3 games costeed 1 euro, its more than 0.
Dont understand me wrong. I am not saying that surely anything bad will happen. I am not worried about gog as a company paing fine or whatever. But usually someone has to take the blame and usually that one is not the CEO.
That is all and sorry for spaming.
I really doubt that those few here in the community will do any harm. The problem might start if people from outside realize that they could sell these keys and getting more and more exploiting the system. Nobody here in the community would do this but the only ones who can prevent this is GOG. You made them aware of the issue so the ball is in their part of the court. It's up to them to decide how important this whole thing really is for them. I thought fixing the basics of the forum would be really important for GOG - I was wrong. We will see how and if GOG is handling this issue.