Sjuan: Speaking of Sam and Max,, I hope that
Sam and Max: Hit the Road will have a good discount in the summer sales, so I can buy it. I played Sam and Max: The Devil Playhouse and I had a lot of fun :)
Sure, the characters are fun, but the game plays very differently. That's of course a Zeo favourite. But that's a 1, maybe 2 stars game for me because of its many problems, expecially towards the ending. Like a lot of slow walking back and forth. Luckily thay fixed that with the Dig, and in Full Throttle (that had many other problems). Don't get me wrong, it's a cool game but you need the patience to look over its drawbacks.
I recently played Tormentum: Dark Sorrow. The gameplay was shallow, but not having to walk around the character for long distances by just clicking and watching them slowly jog along is a relief. Like in Death Gate. It worked fine for me!
If I hover the mouse on an avatar, a smaller circled version appears. Smaller. To see a slightly bigger one I have to right click, view profile and click on the pic. Too much hassle.