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high rated
Hi, I'm BenKii. And this is The Community Giveaway. A tradition that began with IAmSinistar back in 2015 and followed by moonshineshadow, zeogold, finkleroy, Lone_Scout, and now me, BenKii, the 6th host of the best longest running giveaway on the Gog forums. I want to give a huge thanks to all the previous hosts and to all the donators to this giveaway. You all make this community a better place. :)

Previous editions can be found here:

Please set your chat settings to public so that you can send any donations to me or receive any donations from the Community Giveaway. Only GOG keys will be accepted in this thread.

If you want to discuss the rules or other circumstances related to this thread, please do it in the following thread:

In an effort to not clutter the thread, I won't be saying "you're welcome" every time I'm thanked. So instead, I'll say it now to every fellow Goglodyte that has thanked me in the past, today, and into the future. You're welcome! :)

So, how does this thing work?
The short version:
*This giveaway is open to active members of the GOG community, you can ask for a single key from the list in the 2nd post.
* Keys are on a first come, first served basis. The first eligible member to ask for a game from the list will get the key. Ineligible members will be told to be more active in the forum before participating in the giveaway.
* You can only get one gift per month. The new month will begin on the 1st of the month after I make a post stating we are in the new month. Please check the 4th post in this thread titled "Important Announcements" to see when the new month has started.

The complete rules are listed below. Please read them to get the full idea.


#1. If you donate a key to this giveaway, you're leaving who gets it fully up to my discretion and the rules of this giveaway. If you'd like to pick and choose who gets what yourself, you'll have to open up a giveaway of your own.

#2. Only reputable members are accepted. By "reputable", I mean having an active and positive presence in the community. Who I deem reputable is at my discretion. As a general guideline, you must have a non-recent registration and have been actively participating in the community recently and for at least a month or so. Activity that consists mostly of giveaway entries or low effort posts like short posts on some of the forum games doesn't meet the eligibility requirements. I will be the judge on whether you are reputable enough or not. Once you are eligible, you do not stay eligible for life. I will check your recent activity every time you ask for a game to see if you are still eligible.

#3. You will be perma-banned from this giveaway if:
- you are rude
- you are on the Known Scammers list or have otherwise been shown to be an alt account/impersonator/troll
- you knowingly give empty/false/unusable codes
All blacklistings are at my discretion.

#4. Keys are first-come, first-served.

#5. Ask in the thread. No requesting via PM unless you've already requested in the thread and I somehow missed it. You can only request one key per post (even when asking for daggered keys) and requesting several gifts in order of preference is not allowed.

#6. The limit is one game per month. Exceptions are made for games in the daggered keys section, which indicates that they were given away en masse for free sometime in the past. The giveaway goes by calendar month. On the first of every month, I will make a post stating when the new month has begun and then prior giftees can ask for another game. In case you miss the post stating when the new month has begun, you can check the 4th post in this thread titled "Important Announcement" to see if we are in the new month.

#7. Please refrain from editing a post that includes a request. Please carefully consider what you want to request before you request it. If you need to change your request, please wait until at least 10 minutes after you made your original request and post a new message. If you post before 10 minutes have passed, the forum will automatically merge the two posts, which will result in an edited post. All posts that include a request or nomination will automatically be declined if they have been edited for any reason, even if it's because the GOG forum merged two of your posts.

#8. You are only allowed to request keys for yourself. Every granted key must be redeemed by the account that requested it. If you would like to request a key for a friend or family member, they need to meet the eligibility requirements and you need to nominate them for it. If a donor notices that a key they donated was redeemed by a different account than the one that requested it, please let me know about it via PM. We'll all have to have a chat about what happened, and I'll take it on a case by case basis. If there are repeated issues with the same user breaking this rule, it will lead to them being banned from the giveaway.

#9. If a game's DLC is listed alongside the base game, you're free to request just the DLC. The only way it would be required to be a packaged deal is if it's requested by the donor. When this happens, I will make a note of it on the list. This is true of all keys, including the daggered keys that include tons of games. If you'd only like one or two games, that's fine.

#10. Some games are on a multi-game code. If given such a code, only redeem the game(s) you were granted. IF YOU VIOLATE THIS RULE, YOU WILL BE PERMANENTLY BANNED FROM THE GIVEAWAY.

#11. Nominating other members is allowed and encouraged. The nomination will only be accepted if the nominee falls within the terms of this giveaway. If a key is granted to a nominee, it will count toward their monthly limit. The nominee has a week to claim the game before it is up for grabs for everyone else again. If somebody has been nominated for a game, the game will be removed from the list until either redeemed or a week has passed. If you do not wish to receive nominations, either leave a request in the thread or PM me and you'll be added to the "No Nominations For Me Now" list. If you wish to be removed from this list, let me know in the same manner.
You are allowed to make one nomination per day. If you make a nomination, please wait 24 hours before you nominate again. This is to prevent one person from solely controlling who gets what game. Only active members of the GOG community may nominate.

#12. If you wish to make a donation, please send me a chat message containing the keys. You will receive full credit for your donation and yourname will be added to the list of donors. You may, however, request to be anonymous, and I will honor this request.
I will NEVER ask for keys to be re-sent. If you get a message asking for such, ignore it, as you're likely getting scammed.

#13. Donors are welcome to check if a key has been redeemed by the user who requested it. If a key has not been redeemed, and it has been at least 72 hours since the key was granted, the donor is welcome to contact me. Upon being notified by the donor, I will notify the giftee that they must redeem the key within one week from that moment. If they fail to do so, the key will be returned to the giveaway.

#14. No code-dropping of any sort. Please. I know you mean well, but I'd rather you donate to this giveaway. If you want to simply drop the code, there are threads for that purpose.
Post edited April 19, 2023 by Clownski_
Can I get a key for Tropico 4 too, please?
Post edited September 25, 2024 by user deleted
Post edited August 30, 2024 by JakobFel
May I request Master of Puppets as my non-daggered for August?
Thank you to comradegarry and BenKii for Deus Ex Mankind Divided :) I played Human Revolution before but let this one pass over me so looking forward to giving it a go.

Also, I'd like to request one of the daggered Tropico 4 keys please.
BenKii: Users approved:
Provide_A_Username gets The Tenants - Free Trial
Provide_A_Username gets Vesper Demo
Provide_A_Username gets Cartel Tycoon Demo
Provide_A_Username gets Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood Demo
Provide_A_Username gets Timberborn Demo
Provide_A_Username gets 8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure DEMO
Provide_A_Username gets TASOMACHI: Behind the Twilight - Demo
Provide_A_Username gets Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut Demo (That's a lot of Demos. You should start calling yourself the DEMOlition Man.)
milkyhighway gets Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical
Gede gets Hard West II
Snizzle012 gets Deus Ex: Mankind Divided
kenadrian gets Overloop
AlexTerranova gets Hard West II
TheBigCore gets The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
SA00 gets The Witcher: Enhanced Edition
Mr_Whiffles gets Warhammer Skulls Digital Goodie Pack (2023)
Hurricane0440 gets CDPR Goodies Collection

Users not approved:
greyhat (sorry, another user beat you to it)
Thank you GM #BenKii! I like Demolition man, I should consider to check if that nickname is available and get it!

My huge thanks go to the Demolition master #psychosopher for the multi-demos!
Scarlet Hood and the Wicked Wood Demo
The Tenants - Free Trial
Vesper Demo
8Doors: Arum's Afterlife Adventure DEMO
TASOMACHI: Behind the Twilight - Demo
Cartel Tycoon Demo
Kathy Rain: Director’s Cut Demo

The Timberborn Demo not yet, as for some unknown reason to me, caused a persistent confusion to GOG every time I tried to redeem it.
I'd like to request Spells & Secrets for the month end.
Well, if it's ok I'll take one of those Tomb Raider 4 & 5 keys... they seem to be growing on trees by now. A week ago there were like 15, now there's 21!!
HypersomniacLive: Thanks for the wishes, I was doing better. But now I got COVID-19 (first time) and I'm not doing that great again.

And in light of this - @everyone, stay safe and take care of yourselves.
Take care of you !
high rated
Users approved:
Hurricane0440 gets Tropico 4
JakobFel gets Master of Puppets
Snizzle012 gets Tropico 4
Lords3 gets Spells & Secrets
jonridan gets Tomb Raider: The Last Revelation + Chronicles
I'd just like say to thank you to BenKii, who hosts this giveaway, and BenKii, who gave me the key to Tropico 4.

It's very much appreciated. I hope you both have a wonderful day! ;)
Thanks to Wolfy777 for Tropico 4 and once again to BenKii for your hard work :)
I'd like to request Stray Gods: The Roleplaying Musical.
Can I ask for Ruin Raiders? I love Tomb Raider and Indiana jones.
Oh! What treasures will I find in this game?
Thank you BenKii and RavenCrowwise for the key :)

Never played Chronicles, never finished Last Revelation (without cheats...)