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high rated
Hi, I'm BenKii. And this is The Community Giveaway. A tradition that began with IAmSinistar back in 2015 and followed by moonshineshadow, zeogold, finkleroy, Lone_Scout, and now me, BenKii, the 6th host of the best longest running giveaway on the Gog forums. I want to give a huge thanks to all the previous hosts and to all the donators to this giveaway. You all make this community a better place. :)

Previous editions can be found here:

Please set your chat settings to public so that you can send any donations to me or receive any donations from the Community Giveaway. Only GOG keys will be accepted in this thread.

If you want to discuss the rules or other circumstances related to this thread, please do it in the following thread:

In an effort to not clutter the thread, I won't be saying "you're welcome" every time I'm thanked. So instead, I'll say it now to every fellow Goglodyte that has thanked me in the past, today, and into the future. You're welcome! :)

So, how does this thing work?
The short version:
*This giveaway is open to active members of the GOG community, you can ask for a single key from the list in the 2nd post.
* Keys are on a first come, first served basis. The first eligible member to ask for a game from the list will get the key. Ineligible members will be told to be more active in the forum before participating in the giveaway.
* You can only get one gift per month. The new month will begin on the 1st of the month after I make a post stating we are in the new month. Please check the 4th post in this thread titled "Important Announcements" to see when the new month has started.

The complete rules are listed below. Please read them to get the full idea.


#1. If you donate a key to this giveaway, you're leaving who gets it fully up to my discretion and the rules of this giveaway. If you'd like to pick and choose who gets what yourself, you'll have to open up a giveaway of your own.

#2. Only reputable members are accepted. By "reputable", I mean having an active and positive presence in the community. Who I deem reputable is at my discretion. As a general guideline, you must have a non-recent registration and have been actively participating in the community recently and for at least a month or so. Activity that consists mostly of giveaway entries or low effort posts like short posts on some of the forum games doesn't meet the eligibility requirements. I will be the judge on whether you are reputable enough or not. Once you are eligible, you do not stay eligible for life. I will check your recent activity every time you ask for a game to see if you are still eligible.

#3. You will be perma-banned from this giveaway if:
- you are rude
- you are on the Known Scammers list or have otherwise been shown to be an alt account/impersonator/troll
- you knowingly give empty/false/unusable codes
All blacklistings are at my discretion.

#4. Keys are first-come, first-served.

#5. Ask in the thread. No requesting via PM unless you've already requested in the thread and I somehow missed it. You can only request one key per post (even when asking for daggered keys) and requesting several gifts in order of preference is not allowed.

#6. The limit is one game per month. Exceptions are made for games in the daggered keys section, which indicates that they were given away en masse for free sometime in the past. The giveaway goes by calendar month. On the first of every month, I will make a post stating when the new month has begun and then prior giftees can ask for another game. In case you miss the post stating when the new month has begun, you can check the 4th post in this thread titled "Important Announcement" to see if we are in the new month.

#7. Please refrain from editing a post that includes a request. Please carefully consider what you want to request before you request it. If you need to change your request, please wait until at least 10 minutes after you made your original request and post a new message. If you post before 10 minutes have passed, the forum will automatically merge the two posts, which will result in an edited post. All posts that include a request or nomination will automatically be declined if they have been edited for any reason, even if it's because the GOG forum merged two of your posts.

#8. You are only allowed to request keys for yourself. Every granted key must be redeemed by the account that requested it. If you would like to request a key for a friend or family member, they need to meet the eligibility requirements and you need to nominate them for it. If a donor notices that a key they donated was redeemed by a different account than the one that requested it, please let me know about it via PM. We'll all have to have a chat about what happened, and I'll take it on a case by case basis. If there are repeated issues with the same user breaking this rule, it will lead to them being banned from the giveaway.

#9. If a game's DLC is listed alongside the base game, you're free to request just the DLC. The only way it would be required to be a packaged deal is if it's requested by the donor. When this happens, I will make a note of it on the list. This is true of all keys, including the daggered keys that include tons of games. If you'd only like one or two games, that's fine.

#10. Some games are on a multi-game code. If given such a code, only redeem the game(s) you were granted. IF YOU VIOLATE THIS RULE, YOU WILL BE PERMANENTLY BANNED FROM THE GIVEAWAY.

#11. Nominating other members is allowed and encouraged. The nomination will only be accepted if the nominee falls within the terms of this giveaway. If a key is granted to a nominee, it will count toward their monthly limit. The nominee has a week to claim the game before it is up for grabs for everyone else again. If somebody has been nominated for a game, the game will be removed from the list until either redeemed or a week has passed. If you do not wish to receive nominations, either leave a request in the thread or PM me and you'll be added to the "No Nominations For Me Now" list. If you wish to be removed from this list, let me know in the same manner.
You are allowed to make one nomination per day. If you make a nomination, please wait 24 hours before you nominate again. This is to prevent one person from solely controlling who gets what game. Only active members of the GOG community may nominate.

#12. If you wish to make a donation, please send me a chat message containing the keys. You will receive full credit for your donation and yourname will be added to the list of donors. You may, however, request to be anonymous, and I will honor this request.
I will NEVER ask for keys to be re-sent. If you get a message asking for such, ignore it, as you're likely getting scammed.

#13. Donors are welcome to check if a key has been redeemed by the user who requested it. If a key has not been redeemed, and it has been at least 72 hours since the key was granted, the donor is welcome to contact me. Upon being notified by the donor, I will notify the giftee that they must redeem the key within one week from that moment. If they fail to do so, the key will be returned to the giveaway.

#14. No code-dropping of any sort. Please. I know you mean well, but I'd rather you donate to this giveaway. If you want to simply drop the code, there are threads for that purpose.
Post edited April 19, 2023 by Clownski_
high rated
As I said before - Fallout 2 on GOG is US version.
Fully uncensored.
F1 is EU version (children removed, full gore).

Classic vs current version - only extras are different.
I would like to nominate UCrest for a Fallout 2 daggered gog key.

I think the daggered doesn't count for the month limit.
high rated
BenKii: Starred Game Winner Results:

Diablo + Hellfire -- B1tF1ghter (8), ppdouble (7), sm5.. (6), ConsulCaesar (3), Braggadar (3), 4thDown (2)
Thank you BenKii for administering the giveaway ;)

Doc0075: ( ... )
Thank you so much Doc0075, you absolute legend, for the Diablo 1 + DLC ^__^
I highly appreciate it! <3

ppdouble: Hey B1tF1ghter would you be so nice and let me take that Diablo Hellfire .I reaally would love to play it :)
Well this is a little awkward.
Okay - look, with all due respect - NO.
Well, how do I say it gently... There was a roll of dice, which mind you, was OUTSIDE OF MY CONTROL, it wasn't up to ME, nor you.
I rolled a higher number, therefore I got it.
If you have any complaints in reg to the result, you should take it with BenKii.
I am not making the rules, nor am I in control. I am merely a participant, just like you.

And mind you - I wanted this game for MONTHS prior to this win, and I MISSED it several times, usually by hours - beaten by people who checked the forums more frequently than I did.
Should I then beg in comments for the rightful winner to give ME the key instead? Merely because I too, wanted to indulge myself in thee ?
That would be unseemly.

Instead I always took my loss with humility, and hoped for more luck next time. Whoever got it beat me to it fair and square. And I see no problem with that. If anything, it was my fault for being too slow.
The cycle ( of me failing the timing ) continued for some time ( with this and OTHER games ), and now, miraculously perhaps, I got lucky enough.
Should I feel bad about it?
Should the people who didn't win feel bad?
NO. This dice roll wasn't up to me, nor up to them. I got a better RNG, and that's the way it went.
They, like myself in the past, will just continue with hope until one day they will get what they want.

Ultimately, this whole giveaway tradition, is based purely on voluntary donations. NOONE is entitled to any keys. It's all up to good will of the people donating, and the giveaway administrator ( in this edition: BenKii ).
I am deeply grateful to Doc0075 ( who btw, must've put a serious dent in his finances considering how many keys he donated to date ), and all the other nearly 500 donors who have donated to this giveaway over the years.
I myself haven't donated all that much - my contribution is a drop in the ocean of keys - yet, my appreciation of the other donors is deep and broad like said ocean.
However, I am not going to submit to emotional blackmail, this in between lines suggestion that there are people "better suited for this or that key, BECAUSE YES" - with all due respect - this is a fair dice roll, if you have the problem with the method in question, take it to the administrator ( BenKii ) or discuss / suggest a change of the system in the giveaway's official "discussion thread".

Any feedback is appreciated, constructive criticism included

I perfectly understand your desire for the game. Believe me, I DO.
And as a gentleman who tries to be a good sport in this grim worldline, I wish you the best of luck next time.
But please refrain from 'emotional blackmail' going forward. It's distasteful. And out of all the people in this world - it definitely doesn't fly very well with ME.

All the best to you.
But alas, I respectfully decline your request.
high rated
ppdouble: Hey B1tF1ghter would you be so nice and let me take that Diablo Hellfire .I reaally would love to play it :)
Please read the rules of this giveaway. Explanation below.

B1tF1ghter: (a lot of words)
But alas, I respectfully decline your request.
This post was long and not needed at all. You can not think over your decision if you want to decline or accept.

Why? Because this giveaway has rules and rule #8 says:

"Every granted key must be redeemed by the account that requested it."

It is simple. You can't give your key to any other person. Even if you would like to do that.
Post edited March 09, 2024 by Lexor
high rated
B1tF1ghter: (a lot of words)
But alas, I respectfully decline your request.
Lexor: This post was long
Okay, so ? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Lexor: and not needed at all
That's your pov, mine was different.
Besides, given the ( intentional ? ) ignorance of the rules of the person I responded to, I think my response was warranted at least partially.

Lexor: rule #8 says:

"Every granted key must be redeemed by the account that requested it."

It is simple. You can't give your key to any other person. Even if you would like to do that.
I think for ultimate clarity this should be reworded to something like:
" Every granted key must be redeemed by the account that the key was granted to by the giveaway administrator "
Because with STARRED keys it could be semantically argued that it's not being "requested", it's being "just granted". And that you aren't requesting a key, just a participation in the drawing with a CHANCE of being granted one. This is ofc a high logic flex, but I have seen higher flexes used in this forum to justify means, so I wouldn't put it beyond some ppl to come up with some nonsense like that.

But alas.
My response was entirely bypassing the "rule aspect", because I assumed that perhaps the person I was responding to HAS read the rules. Whether I assumed correctly or not, I do not know.
I merely responded to the "MORAL aspect" of it, that was the purpose of my " "long" " post, and I don't see a point in digging this subject any deeper.
high rated
Please, move these interesting thoughts and discussions to the appropriate thread:
Thank you, BenKii, for granting me the requested game and for all the work/time you invest into running this giveaway! ;)

Doc, thanks for donating Bang-On Balls: Chronicles to this community thread. I'm grateful for your generosity (same for all the donors, actually). Bless you all. :)
I want to thank BenKii and Doc0075 for Jupiter Hell. Your generosity is greatly appreciated!
金黒: Many thanks GamezRanker! And BenKii as always.
May your rockets be bean and bacon powered and may your bounces be high(i.e. hope ya enjoy the game) :)
Edward_Carnby: As I said before - Fallout 2 on GOG is US version.
Fully uncensored.
Are you sure about this?
PCGamingWiki states otherwise, and a GOG review as recent as Oct. 2022 mentions it is "the censored version".
Note that it's been re-released (once more) after being split between the "Classic" and "normal" release (meaning, there's been 3 different releases on GOG overall).

(On the thread clutter: I won't drag this discussion much further, but I leave this answer here as I think it might be relevant to whoever will want to request the game)

GamezRanker: May your rockets be bean and bacon powered and may your bounces be high(i.e. hope ya enjoy the game) :)
Pretty sure I'll do, I've never gone wrong with something Carmack developed (although I've never had the chance to check Rage yet).
Thanks again!
I'd like to enter for the drawing for Fallout 4 - Game of the Year Edition!
Blake Stone: Planet Strike - Area 8 Missing Detonator
Is this a bug that happens every time you play? I'm surprised because I played through the game, but I don't remember having any problems, I could have sworn I didn't find any bugs.
Or maybe it's a bug that was introduced later, because it's been a while since I last played it, about 8 years or so.
high rated
金黒: Are you sure about this?
As I told before - wiki is wrong about F2 (at least on GOG - dunno about steam).

You can check for yourself if you own a game - just complete the trial temple & go straight to Klamath.
You can see & kill child (& get childkiller perk) right here.
I would like to get the System Shock Goodie Pack, please.
high rated
Starred game entrants:
Days Gone -- bluethief, slurredprey, Species8472, JunglePredator
ELEX II -- Provide_A_Username
Fallout 4 Game of the Year (x2) -- Braggadar, MaxFulvus, CervelloYM, 4thDown, sm5.., JakobFel
Last Train Home -- BranjoHello, TT_TT_TT_TT, greyhat

Users approved:
Hurricane0440 gets Fallout 2
CervelloYM gets FlatOut
UCrest gets Fallout 2 via nomination by argamasa
RenKalan gets System Shock Goodie Pack

Users not approved:
I feel so tired (sorry, you are still on cooldown from the last Starred game you won. Please check the section labeled "List of this month's giftees:" under Post #2 to find out how much longer you have to wait before making another game request.)