Cavalary: Seemed to me that moon's message was more along the lines of it being far too much work for one person, not in the "monopoly" sense? (But wait a bit and that should be clarified... Me just butting in here :/)
But I can't see how it wouldn't be an insane amount of work, even to maintain a single one alone, not to mention more.
Edit: And out of what foxworks noted above, I'd say the "giveaway drama" would be the worst part, including checking for eligibility and scammers and dealing with mixups, complaints and, er, assholes.
zeogold disappears with all the codes and resurfaces some weeks later in Brazil, and spends the rest of his life playing computer games and drinking caipirinhas near the beach... I think that is something people should be concerned about, and it keeps me up all night.
I'd say that
some of the work could be automated, as that would help immensely. I really don't know how moonshineshadow managed it
and did so gracefully.
Validating game keys with captchas would be a drag, as that can't be easily automatd. White and blacklisting users would help on the longer run. Automatic stock management and key distribution could be accomplished.
I think it could be
doable, as you already display the commitment and motivation (and the free time) that it requires, as long as you manage to get the tools to help you.