IAmSinistar: Sorry that this is closing, but I completely understand. Having started and closed the original such thread myself, I know how wearying this process can be. Perhaps someone else will take up the mantle for a while. It would be fitting for the Community Giveaway to pass around the community itself.
Much thanks and great glory to
moonshineshadow for helming this effort, maintaining decorum, and in general running a thread which deserved its place at the top of the hot list. Here's hoping good fortune comes their way as a result of all their hard labour, and hopefully there was some joy in the experience itself.
Lastly, thanks as well to all the many donors who made this ongoing effort possible. The GOG forums remain legendary for the generosity of their members, both materially and in spirit.
I was tempted to ask to take up the task but I know it wouldn't be as good as either of you so I shall just say thank you both for being such great examples of giving spirit.