Posted July 22, 2016
low rated

Thanks for all the effort and time you put into it. 39 games found a new home thanks to you and for several I'm still hoping for replies.
Just let me know what you want for your $5.99 prize :-)
And of course thank you to everyone who also helped with finding nominees for these games.
While the contest is over, there are still codes left that will expire next week. Especially codes for Spelunky. So it is still greatly appreciated if people are nominated for them and I'll keep the low requirements for them: To be a valid nominee, that gog account must have been created before July 2016 and I must be able to find a post in a non-giveaway thread that contained at least three sentences (also posted before July). Please link me that post.
It's also great that you still have the low requirement rule in place for the expiring codes like Spelunky. If I can find some time, I'll see if I can't find a few people before the final date arrives. :)
With all that said, I'd like to request Archimedean Dynasty for the prize.