Thanks, I vaguely remembered people talking about using a search engine for these things but wasn't sure which it was. I'll take a look.
Cavalary: Those games aren't on the "bestsellers" list though.
Ahh I misunderstood, missed that subset until I took another look. I was just looking for people who had an item on their wishlist in the main list of available games. I'll take a deeper look to see if I can see people looking for those in a little while.
Cavalary: And yeah, the ways are those BenKii mentioned, plus maybe googling the game name with, but then you'll have to see about finding a qualifying post.
And thanks, yeah that's mostly what I've been doing to find people, abusing in a few different ways. I shall keep trying.
Edit: Didn't even realize there was a competition involved, not in anyways - just wanted to help out finding people.