cybersleuth58: I don't advocate for myself very well.
I became ill a decade back, that lead to be being disabled due to a very painful bone/spinal condition. Games are a way to attempt to keep the pain under control. Games and my dogs. If I didn't have my 4 footed companions, I'd be sooL.
Unfortunately, because of the recent opiate overdoses, and the hysteria whipped up by the press, physicians are too frightened to participate in pain management. (Sigh!) So...many of us have seen our medication drastically reduced (or even eliminated) for no other reason but fear of being harassed by the DEA and losing their licenses. I'd had a protocol for 9 years that never changed. I was maintaining - not pain free but maintaining, My state legislature set an arbitrary cap. a maximum dose per day, regardless of the seriousness of the illness or the patient history. Even though I'd never had my medication increased, the dosage was outside of the cap and had to be cut. Suddenly, my condition is no longer stable, the quality of my life went into free fall. Imagine living with the worst tooth ache or head ache you've ever experienced, knowing it will never go away OR get better. That completely eliminates the quality of ones life.
My situation is like that of many others...I don't mean to pretend that there are not others in worse shape, there certainly are. I've also got the problem of my insurance provider refusing to cover every one of the last five medications my physician has prescribed. I can't pay out of pocket, so I'm stuck with doing without, like many others. My disability took away my decent paying job, and I'm FAR below the poverty line. Every penny is budgeted, therefore, paying out of pocket for medicine is out of the question. Money to spend for games is non-existent.
Could someone be kind enough to provide a link(s) to the games that people want to give away? (As well as the links to the rules to ask for games?) I didn't feel OK asking to be considered for games that aren't on the list. (Heck. it's bloody awful to ask for anything...) I didn't mean to sound like I was throwing my own pity party. That isn't my intention. Thank you for being patient enough to read this.
Hoping for warm weather... :)