mrkgnao: I'd like to nominate:
Intyalle for
Eschalon: Book I gogamess for
The Incredible Adventures of Van Helsing II - Complete Pack Lukin86 for
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition Thank you so much, mrkgnao, moonshineshadow and the generous donor flammenbringer! +1
I think I will enjoy this game so much, with the diablo style and a deep story.
Game code redeemed. And I'm trying to download it, but the game comes with english installer only (OS: Windows, LANG: English, and I can't change it), while the game description shows spanish text. (Languages:
Audio and text: English. Text only: Deutsch, español, français, magyar, italiano, polski, português, русский)
So can anyone confirm the game have spanish text although the english installer, please?. I would like to know before starting download.
Thank you so much! :)