BenKii: Happy March Everyone! :)
Nominations for the new month: <span class="bold">PaterAlf</span> for Pax Imperia - Eminent Domain
adaliabooks: You don't waste your time do you? ;)
Though I have a feeling that nomination for PaterAlf has come up before (and was the game he wouldn't accept as he donated it), but I could be wrong..
Yep As for the nomination for me, thank you but once again I'll have to refuse. The Ultimas ended up on my wishlist early on after purchasing the Might & Magic series and poking at the first ones, basically as a curiosity about early RPGs, but doesn't seem likely that I'd actually play them much, or not in the foreseeable future, and maybe someone else will.
(Still say we need wishlist tags or something. At this point more than half of mine is made up of titles that are just sort of there either to keep track of for maybe looking into more much later or, as in the case of the Ultimas, because they were added early on and don't quite feel like deleting them. And most of the rest I'd feel too guilty to accept knowing I'm unlikely to play them anytime soon anyway. Not entirely sure now, but likely I'll have fingers left over if trying to count those I would accept... despite feeling terribly guilty even then.)
... This is always awkward. Sitting here for 20 min trying to word it.