For me, this is the perfect time of year to sink the teeths into a long and deep RPG. (I'm FINALLY being able to get into GOTHIC, for my first time ever. moonshineshadow gave it to me many months ago and I've been chomping at the bit to be able to dedicate time to it...thanks again moonss, it's shaping up to be one of my favorite games ever...)
Inquisitor is such an RPG, and someone should be enjoying this game RIGHT NOW!
I'd like to suggest offering it to
docbear1975, who while he is a really nice guy (I think 'guy"), think he might like to take on the role of an evil priest and torture false confessions out of innocents made into scapegoats to further evil's hold on the world. Or
maybe he'd like to play an altruistic robin-hood type thief, fighting against the corruption of the church and powers-that-be to do right by the innocent and less fortunate. Or
maybe he'd like to play a conflicted Paladin, torn between devotion to the church and obeying their commands and being righteous and honorable and doing what he knows is right despite the pressures. The RP reactivity in this game is PHENOMENAL
(these are the 3 characters I'm working on playing through the game with.)
This is a game that I was on the fence about getting for a long long time, until it was on sale one sale day and I snatched it and OMG, it's worth the $15, despite it's difficulty and bugs!!! It is a top RPG, IMO and goes right along with: PS:T, Arcanum, and Fallout 1+2 as some of
the best ever.