Posted October 18, 2016

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted October 18, 2016

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 18, 2016

Unless the hubby himself has mistresses, which is fine then. No sympathy for him then.
Immorality breeds more immorality.
At least i make her have a great time. And immorality breeds more immorality. Just doing my part for the community and all, until the culling i expect relatively soon to hit, arrives...

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted October 18, 2016
The part of you i like! I like people with good sense of humor! But no, transformation is first and foremost an inner matter, of philosophy, outtake on life, etc... Pat you on the back and treat you to beer! Times like those, i really like you!

Registered: Mar 2011
From United States
Posted October 18, 2016

And did they force you to undergo gender reassignment surgery, that's horrible?

Post edited October 18, 2016 by eksasol

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
From Other
Posted October 20, 2016
On second thought, that wasn't so bad.
On second thought, that wasn't so bad.
Post edited October 20, 2016 by tinyE

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted October 20, 2016
A bum told me how I should speak to them this mourning, you should have seen my blood boil, it was 1000 degrees.

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Registered: May 2015
From United States
Posted October 21, 2016
A young intern got fired for coming to work in short skirts despite several warnings previously not to.
She comes over to HR department(me) to file a complaint.
Her complaint is 'Why can't I get your job?"
I show her the door.
Kids these days.....
She comes over to HR department(me) to file a complaint.
Her complaint is 'Why can't I get your job?"
I show her the door.
Kids these days.....

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted October 21, 2016
Which idiot outlawed slavery?
Just busted my arse cleaning my car's windows, and I haven't cleaned the car for over a year.
What a freaking tiring and shitty job, especially with modern car windscreens that slope so much.
Which got me thinking, I could do with a domestic slave; someone who would cook, clean, wash my car, bathe and groom me.
Refugees would be perfect; they're usually small and malnourished so they can reach all those little crevices and corners.
Just busted my arse cleaning my car's windows, and I haven't cleaned the car for over a year.
What a freaking tiring and shitty job, especially with modern car windscreens that slope so much.
Which got me thinking, I could do with a domestic slave; someone who would cook, clean, wash my car, bathe and groom me.
Refugees would be perfect; they're usually small and malnourished so they can reach all those little crevices and corners.

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted October 21, 2016

Just busted my arse cleaning my car's windows, and I haven't cleaned the car for over a year.
What a freaking tiring and shitty job, especially with modern car windscreens that slope so much.
Which got me thinking, I could do with a domestic slave; someone who would cook, clean, wash my car, bathe and groom me.
Refugees would be perfect; they're usually small and malnourished so they can reach all those little crevices and corners.
With great auto come great responsibility.

The Red Blaze
Registered: Jul 2012
From United States
Posted October 21, 2016
The idea that every time my girlfriend and I have a disagreement, not even factoring in stress from being tired and overworked etc, that she thinks it means "we just can't get along".

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand