Yay, one of my favorite bands released a new album!
Shit, it's officially only being sold on cassette.
Yay, I can get it on Tidal Store anyway!
Shit, Tidal Store is a fucking scam.
I have a feeling Tidal Store's licensing deals aren't 100% legit, but they do sell a lot of music that isn't available anywhere else - and in a lossless format to boot. I got the extended Witcher 3 soundtrack there (before it was added to the GOTY version of the game), as well as the "Lullaby of Woe" and "Wolven Storm" tracks (which still aren't available elsewhere AFAIK). And it cost a fucking fortune.
See, Tidal Store has a minimum price of 17,99€ per FLAC album. Maybe that's not a lot for an extended sountrack with 56 tracks, even though I already had some of the tracks through GOG... But they also have a minimum price for single tracks (2,98€ for FLAC). And "Lullaby of Woe" and "Wolven Storm" (all seven versions of it) were only available as separate purchases. But I wanted them, and no one else was selling, so I ended up paying 23,84€ for eight tracks.
The really funny part was when I headed to the download page, and realized... they have
motherfucking download limits. Three downloads per track/album. Were these limits mentioned anywhere on the site? Of course they fucking weren't. But hey, it's not like I have a choice. And I suppose I can make backups of my purchases as soon as I've downloaded them. "Yeah, OK, I'll manage".
One thing I didn't immediately buy was the Blood and Wine soundtrack, as I hadn't played the expansion yet (
because reasons). I eventually played it, went back to buy the soundtrack from Tidal, and guess what I saw on the goddamn download page? The download limit had been lowered from three to
one. One download for a 17,99€ album. One download for a 2,98€ track. None of my previous purchases had any downloads left.
Seriously, fuck this shit.
Oh, and another thing.
I looked at the W3 soundtrack on GOG, and some tracks have noticeable clipping. For comparison I downloaded a CD rip of the regular soundtrack, and it has the same problem. The one I bought from the fucking assholes at Tidal actually seems to be the best one.