Posted July 20, 2016

Bad Hair Day
Find me in STEAM OT
Registered: Dec 2012
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For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

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Registered: Aug 2014
From United States

Registered: Jul 2009
From Australia
Posted July 20, 2016
Not only that we have an Insane government it's Mafia Mal TurnbullSh*t

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted July 20, 2016

And you'll get free medical, subsidised medications, subsidised travel and discounts on utilities.
Bless you Australia.
Goddamn, who would ever want to visit New Zealand?
Heehee, see what I did there?

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted July 20, 2016
Post edited July 20, 2016 by Kleetus

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted July 20, 2016
Yes, you would love California. California is in fact a giant FEMA camp where we put all the dirty foreigners, homosexuals and mud people. Enjoy your stay, commie faggot.

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted July 20, 2016

And mud people, is that the same as chocolate faces?
Or New Vegas, but that's what we have the NCR for.

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted July 21, 2016
Freaking dog with his meat hook dew claws ripped my new pajamas.
And these were my sexy flannelette Winter pajamas.
And these were my sexy flannelette Winter pajamas.

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted July 21, 2016
Wait a minute... did this guy just say the drug tests in my binding contract are "if" and "maybe" and "example"...
wtf. Oh yeah, we just chucked that in there for fun.
wtf. Oh yeah, we just chucked that in there for fun.
Post edited July 21, 2016 by bad_fur_day1

For Internal Use Only
Registered: Sep 2010
From Australia
Posted July 22, 2016
My dog wants to bite all of you, every single one of you.

New User
Registered: Oct 2008
From Brazil
Posted July 22, 2016
Whoa, interesting thread.
My turn then:
Years ago:
Finishing school, wanted to study on my own a year to decide what to do, or get in a high-end free prestigious university that you only get in by passing crazy-hard test. All "adults" tell me that I need to go to university "now" to get a job in the future.
In my year "black person quota" is introduced in free government universities, my expensive school (that I was going for cheap due to passing intelligence/vocation tests) acceptance rate sunk from 97% of students passing free university tests, to only one or two guys passing in that year, I almost passed in various universities.
"Adults" tell me to go to private university anyway. I do so, get in debt.
I finish university... at the same time banking crisis is hitting, can't find internship to actually get the Diploma (internship mandatory in my country, voluntary internship is forbidden, you must get actually hired and paid).
Seemly crisis is over, get hired in a sort of sketchy way, not a completely legal job that pays all government mandated benefits, but the way I was hired actually could fit in a loophole that allow me to declare it internship (it wasn't) and get my diploma.
Buy Witcher 1, love it so much I pre-order Witcher 2, my computer couldn't even run Witcher 2 (even Witcher 1 almost didn't ran).
Right after pre-ordering Witcher 2, get fired due to psychological problems I would only find about later.
Getting fired also result in getting kicked out by a GF I actually wanted to marry.
Years pass, crisis clearly was never over, economy on my country slowly sinking more, I can't find my first real job, none of my friends can either, some of them get their girlfriends pregnant only to get immediately fired or lose their contracts and have to beg to feed their new kids.
I find out why I have so much problems in keeping even my sketchy jobs: I actually have ADHD, and most doctors aren't willing to help.
Find a good contract, but in my desperation I bite more than I can chew, promise the guy that I would finish a extremely complex image recognition AI in 3 months, for a fixed pay worth 3 months... Ended taking me a year and a half to do it, resulting in a extreme loss, I lose again my GF (not the same as the first one), lose my apartment, go back with parents.
On parents hometown find medic actually willing to help with my ADHD, tests various medicine until finding one that actually works (Concerta), it is stupid-expensive, get in more debt to pay for it, but totally worth it, since I can actually work as normal person now... Still don't find job.
PC I used to play Witcher 2 (a crappy laptop I bought just to play Witcher 2) breaks, I actually work with it, so I need new PC. Since I also want Witcher 3, I try to build one that works with Witcher 3 using some saved money.
Miscalculate how hard was to find parts on my country, PC now is half-built, missing chassis, decent monitor, keyboard, mice... And I had to pay 350 USD for a PSU.
Half-Built PC works, but now my project is over, I don't find new project, and my parents get defaulted, extended family get defaulted (as in: their clients,employers,costumers,government didn't paid them) too, give rest of my savings to rescue a family member that couldn't pay electric bills and really needed electricity.
Now I have no money to buy Witcher 3 (or any other game, for that matter, or my favourite foods).
No money to finish PC.
I finished my actual university course in 2009, I still didn't found a real legal (as in: employer pay everything as the law says, like vacation, transportation, retirement fund, etc...) job.
Still didn't finished paying all my debts made since I started college, and I am getting in further debts to pay the crazy-expensive ADHD medicine.
My turn then:
Years ago:
Finishing school, wanted to study on my own a year to decide what to do, or get in a high-end free prestigious university that you only get in by passing crazy-hard test. All "adults" tell me that I need to go to university "now" to get a job in the future.
In my year "black person quota" is introduced in free government universities, my expensive school (that I was going for cheap due to passing intelligence/vocation tests) acceptance rate sunk from 97% of students passing free university tests, to only one or two guys passing in that year, I almost passed in various universities.
"Adults" tell me to go to private university anyway. I do so, get in debt.
I finish university... at the same time banking crisis is hitting, can't find internship to actually get the Diploma (internship mandatory in my country, voluntary internship is forbidden, you must get actually hired and paid).
Seemly crisis is over, get hired in a sort of sketchy way, not a completely legal job that pays all government mandated benefits, but the way I was hired actually could fit in a loophole that allow me to declare it internship (it wasn't) and get my diploma.
Buy Witcher 1, love it so much I pre-order Witcher 2, my computer couldn't even run Witcher 2 (even Witcher 1 almost didn't ran).
Right after pre-ordering Witcher 2, get fired due to psychological problems I would only find about later.
Getting fired also result in getting kicked out by a GF I actually wanted to marry.
Years pass, crisis clearly was never over, economy on my country slowly sinking more, I can't find my first real job, none of my friends can either, some of them get their girlfriends pregnant only to get immediately fired or lose their contracts and have to beg to feed their new kids.
I find out why I have so much problems in keeping even my sketchy jobs: I actually have ADHD, and most doctors aren't willing to help.
Find a good contract, but in my desperation I bite more than I can chew, promise the guy that I would finish a extremely complex image recognition AI in 3 months, for a fixed pay worth 3 months... Ended taking me a year and a half to do it, resulting in a extreme loss, I lose again my GF (not the same as the first one), lose my apartment, go back with parents.
On parents hometown find medic actually willing to help with my ADHD, tests various medicine until finding one that actually works (Concerta), it is stupid-expensive, get in more debt to pay for it, but totally worth it, since I can actually work as normal person now... Still don't find job.
PC I used to play Witcher 2 (a crappy laptop I bought just to play Witcher 2) breaks, I actually work with it, so I need new PC. Since I also want Witcher 3, I try to build one that works with Witcher 3 using some saved money.
Miscalculate how hard was to find parts on my country, PC now is half-built, missing chassis, decent monitor, keyboard, mice... And I had to pay 350 USD for a PSU.
Half-Built PC works, but now my project is over, I don't find new project, and my parents get defaulted, extended family get defaulted (as in: their clients,employers,costumers,government didn't paid them) too, give rest of my savings to rescue a family member that couldn't pay electric bills and really needed electricity.
Now I have no money to buy Witcher 3 (or any other game, for that matter, or my favourite foods).
No money to finish PC.
I finished my actual university course in 2009, I still didn't found a real legal (as in: employer pay everything as the law says, like vacation, transportation, retirement fund, etc...) job.
Still didn't finished paying all my debts made since I started college, and I am getting in further debts to pay the crazy-expensive ADHD medicine.

New User
Registered: Jun 2013
From Other