Posted February 18, 2016

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted February 18, 2016

7/4/2012 - 9/5/2017
Registered: Apr 2012
From Ukraine
Posted February 19, 2016

"Ups" is the German translation for "Whoops!"
If it just wouldn't be so fitting every fu***** time.
Well, at least it wasn`t Yodel...
I`m awaiting a package via DPD, who have been good most of the time, except once.
I had a tracking number, watched it go from Newcastle-Under-Lyme to Manchester, through York (where I was) via train, up to Newcastle. Couple of days later back at Manchester & back to N-U-Lyme.
Was not amused :$
Hope to hell this one arrives properly, as it came from China lol

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted February 19, 2016

I had a tracking number, watched it go from Newcastle-Under-Lyme to Manchester, through York (where I was) via train, up to Newcastle. Couple of days later back at Manchester & back to N-U-Lyme.
Was not amused :$
Hope to hell this one arrives properly, as it came from China lol

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted February 20, 2016
But it takes a mighty long time to arrive. Felt jealous of two very old and feeble people at the cash machine today. For them, life is almost over, me I still got years of living in this shithole to suffer. Thinkinng about the refugees problem and the horror they come from this morning while taking the shower this morning and my mood is deep into the negatives since.
Daily I struggle to make this world a more just, sustainable, better place but it feels like an unending uphill battle.
Daily I struggle to make this world a more just, sustainable, better place but it feels like an unending uphill battle.
Post edited February 20, 2016 by DubConqueror

Слава России! ура́
Registered: Apr 2012
From Other
Posted February 22, 2016
I was unable to be granted access to the material i had to. First thing i do the moment i raise myself some new money again within my newest job/working contract, is to hire a lawyer to investigate into what i am being prevented access from. For just this once in my life, i am glad that people like lawyers sometimes can be amoral, grey and do whatever you ask them to, for the right sum of money, regardless if you are branded for unimaginable things, having them committed or even worse, not... It was time i finally embraced and accepted the "necessary evil" in society, people, jobs...

Old is Gold
Registered: Aug 2015
From United States
Posted February 22, 2016

Just look out for yourself.
Given that the world population has reached more than 7 billion, there is no good future for this planet no matter what anyone does.

proud to be a social jus- tice warrior
Registered: Jun 2010
From Netherlands
Posted February 22, 2016

Just look out for yourself.
Given that the world population has reached more than 7 billion, there is no good future for this planet no matter what anyone does.
Because as we don't live in such a world my second biggest dream is to step out of it and die, but it would make a. make too many people unhappy (my parents and siblings, my friends, my colleagues), b. there's things that are fun to do (Good (Old) Games, walking in nature), c. I am more useful by being alive by being a positive factor rather than a liability by the way I act most of the time.
Because my third biggest dream (after plan A - living in fair world is unattainable and there's too many objections to plan B - kill myself), is being a factor that takes tiny steps towards that plan A.
Life is so without meaning if I just look after myself, that plan B (killing myself) becomes much more attractive if I stopped striving to make this world a better place, even with the threat of overpopulation.
One of the best things I'm doing daily by the way: not having children, not driving a car, not flying a plane - it helps to lessen the impact a lot!

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted February 22, 2016
They f**ked up Devil May Cry, Ninja Gaiden, Final Fantasy, Resident Evil and Silent Hill is no more.
What the f**k is going on. You stupid developer motherf**kers! Dante is so PISSED! F**K YOU!
Okay, I feel a little better now.
What the f**k is going on. You stupid developer motherf**kers! Dante is so PISSED! F**K YOU!
Okay, I feel a little better now.

Something good
Registered: Apr 2012
From Netherlands
Posted February 22, 2016
DMC was really fun though. :P

Here they grow again
Registered: Oct 2013
From New Zealand
Posted February 23, 2016
Cute girl with curly red hair was not at my coffee shop today, man I was put out. WHERE THE F**K IS SHE!!!
Bring her back right now to make me coffee or I'm gunna tear this whole place apart.
Bring her back right now to make me coffee or I'm gunna tear this whole place apart.

jack and coke plz
Registered: Dec 2012
From United States
Posted February 23, 2016
Another headache.
Wonderful. Thank you very much.
Wonderful. Thank you very much.

maskless bandit
Registered: Nov 2013
From Switzerland
Posted February 25, 2016
You should write exactly that on one of those customer feedback forms, many establishments have them plus the mandatory little mailboxes to drop the forms in. Don't sign your name though as this could be construed as a terrorism threat, especially if you're wearing a beard right now.

Registered: Dec 2012
From Germany
Posted February 25, 2016
DubConqueror: One of the best things I'm doing daily by the way: not having children, not driving a car, not flying a plane - it helps to lessen the impact a lot! I second "not driving a car and not flying a plane", but "not having children" being helpful to the world is a common misconception. What this world needs is better people and those don't fall out of the sky, they have to be raised with love and wisdom. I often see this "proudness to not have children" at people who don't want to have children because of the responsibilities and financial burden anyway which is hardly a "sacrifice" then.
This world can only become better with more people that know love and wisdom from the very beginning to counter the masses of people which are just accidents or raised to fill the ranks of some religion or army.

This world can only become better with more people that know love and wisdom from the very beginning to counter the masses of people which are just accidents or raised to fill the ranks of some religion or army.
Post edited February 25, 2016 by Klumpen0815

Positive Patty
Registered: Oct 2009
From United States
Posted February 25, 2016
Rolled into the driveway at 7:10am, after leaving the customer yesterday at 2pm. Got caught up in that blizzard that swept through northern Indiana. Er, I mean I got caught up in the traffic mess that the blizzard created - didn't actually encounter the big snow directly, though it was snowing and blowing along my route.
Once I heard they were shutting down roads in the area, I started scouting for hotels. Pulled off at the next exit, behind a few dozen semis. Saw the hotel down the road but the police had the road shut down about 200 yards short of the entrance, and they weren't letting anyone through. But it's RIGHT THERE! Nope.
Shit. So all the trucks were pulling into this big overnight parking area. There were probably 250 or so already parked with another 50 trying to find a spot to park. Meanwhile, I'm trying to find a back way to the hotel and got lost in that huge lot - power outage in the area so there was no lighting in the lot. Thankfully there's a compass in the rearview mirror else I'd still be circling the place.
Got back on the interstate (I-65) and headed the other direction. Figured I'd at least get gas somewhere. Another huge backup of trucks so it took 10 minutes to get from the exit to the truck stop and another 30 to get back out after fueling. Decided to try my luck headed north, since the folks on the radio were saying that Chicago itself was clear. Bad idea.
About 8 miles north on I-65 and everything stopped. Sat there for an hour, hadn't budged. Another hour, still nothing. Radio finally says there was a jack-knifed truck somewhere up ahead. Great. Bundled up and shut off the motor, maybe try to sleep; I figured the semi behind me would honk to wake me if things cleared up. Got maybe 60 minutes of sleep total, until we started moving again at 1am. Gotta say, it doesn't take long for a car to get cold inside with the motor off. I'd sleep for 20 minutes then wake up cold, fire up motor to warm up, repeat.
Drive should take about 10 hours, and it was more like 17. Ouch. Now too wired to sleep. Coulda been worse, though: if I had reversed my trip and gone to Ohio before Michigan as was originally planned, I'd be posting from a blizzard-locked hotel in Grand Haven. At least I'm home.
Once I heard they were shutting down roads in the area, I started scouting for hotels. Pulled off at the next exit, behind a few dozen semis. Saw the hotel down the road but the police had the road shut down about 200 yards short of the entrance, and they weren't letting anyone through. But it's RIGHT THERE! Nope.
Shit. So all the trucks were pulling into this big overnight parking area. There were probably 250 or so already parked with another 50 trying to find a spot to park. Meanwhile, I'm trying to find a back way to the hotel and got lost in that huge lot - power outage in the area so there was no lighting in the lot. Thankfully there's a compass in the rearview mirror else I'd still be circling the place.
Got back on the interstate (I-65) and headed the other direction. Figured I'd at least get gas somewhere. Another huge backup of trucks so it took 10 minutes to get from the exit to the truck stop and another 30 to get back out after fueling. Decided to try my luck headed north, since the folks on the radio were saying that Chicago itself was clear. Bad idea.
About 8 miles north on I-65 and everything stopped. Sat there for an hour, hadn't budged. Another hour, still nothing. Radio finally says there was a jack-knifed truck somewhere up ahead. Great. Bundled up and shut off the motor, maybe try to sleep; I figured the semi behind me would honk to wake me if things cleared up. Got maybe 60 minutes of sleep total, until we started moving again at 1am. Gotta say, it doesn't take long for a car to get cold inside with the motor off. I'd sleep for 20 minutes then wake up cold, fire up motor to warm up, repeat.
Drive should take about 10 hours, and it was more like 17. Ouch. Now too wired to sleep. Coulda been worse, though: if I had reversed my trip and gone to Ohio before Michigan as was originally planned, I'd be posting from a blizzard-locked hotel in Grand Haven. At least I'm home.