infinite9: Well, a few of my Facebook/personal friends are losing their shit over the alleged accidental killing of a tourist attraction by a dentist who has been demonized before the whole story could get released. Not just that but also social media.
Apparently, if you kill a lion that has a name regardless of circumstances or alleged circumstances, people will try to lynch you and your family. If you do what Planned Parenthood recently did, barely anyone makes a sound. If you screw over war veterans with excessive delays in help at the VA, people will either claim it was because a certain meaningless bill did not get passed or just simply ignore it and shove LGBT crap down people's throats.
I do not have enough info about the incident in Zimbabwe so I will not make judgment just yet. I will say that I support both trophy hunting and sport hunting because they are done within regulations that work with wildlife limitations, they support poor communities with food and wealth, and they do more for anti-poaching initiatives and open land preservation than animal rights groups, cameras, and police states have ever done in the past. This past incident doesn't change that.

monkeydelarge: I don't support people killing animals for fun and from what I've heard, this guy shot a lion simply to amuse himself. So the guy is an asshat in my book. But I don't believe he deserves to be one of the most hated men in the world, right now. And I don't believe he deserves the high level of harassment and bullying he is receiving right now. And his family definitely deserves none of this because they are not guilty of doing anything wrong. Why should they pay simply because they are related to the asshat? Going after the guilty one's family and not just the person who is guilty is a very North Korean way of serving "justice".
I'm starting to think social networking services are very dangerous now. They allow massive mobs of angry people to form quickly. And because these people haven't had time to cool down and have strength in numbers and are a part of a massive mob, they are very dangerous. And when people are in a massive mob, they become even more angry because everyone around them is pouring more gasoline onto the fire. And if these people didn't have social networking services, they wouldn't become such a threat to people. Because without social networking services, there would only be small mobs of angry people and the people in smaller mobs would be less angry(because less people are there to pour more gasoline onto the fire) and less able to hurt other people. Being in a massive mob also makes people feel powerful and when people feel powerful...a lot of them start to ignore what is right and what is wrong. Because a lot of people only have morals out of fear of other people. So it's like social networking services allows Mongol hordes to go after people. And very few people deserve a Mongol horde being unleashed upon them.
Social networking services + some guy being an asshat = -> replace the first words you hear with "TO THE DENTIST'S HOUSE". A dark future with social networking services, maybe?
I personally do not care about one's personal reasons for going hunting. All I care is that the hunter follows basic standards that work with wildlife limitations and tries to fulfill his/her end of the bargain especially if there is obligation to donate the flesh of the body for inspection and distribution to poor villagers. Plus it is pure speculation to guess someone else's personal thoughts and reasons, and there are still lots of unanswered questions concerning Palmer's case and how much of it is on his guides as oppose to him.
I agree with that last part totally. Social media gives people basic quick info before full details can get released. As a result, people look at a lot of out-of-context info and half-truths when getting information from just social media when a story is brand new. I don't even like when mainstream media outlets start immediately reporting things like when CNN tripped over its own feet when reporting the Boston bombing of 2013. I still remember the riots in Afghanistan in 2005 over a false report by Newsweek concerning alleged Quran desecration.
I will say I would love to be that dentist's armed bodyguard. Good pay and even better dental benefits. On a side note, the lion was 13 years old, less fertile, bound to get exiled by younger lions, and well passed its prime so it would have been fine if it did not have a collar, did not have a name, and had wondered into better territory. It also killed more lions than that dentist did and plenty of younger members of other species.