A colleague of my girlfriend lost her job recently. That in itself isn't worth bitching over, some other stuff about the story is, though. My girlfriend is a kindergarten teacher, another teacher working for the same company (but in a different location, it's a chain) got accused of threatening a kid with physical violence by the parents. So what happened exactly? The parents reported to the boss that they had a recording that proves that she had expressed threats of physical violence towards the son. How did they get the recording? Their son had expressed unwillingness to go to the kindergarten like, you know, every kid does once in a while. But they got curious, decided to act like super responsible parents and actually put some recording device on their son and listened to the recording at home. When they heard the sentences "I'm gonna give it to you" (which
can mean "I'm going to hit you" in Polish) and "how would you like getting kicked?" they went berserk, reported it to the owner and a meeting with all the parents was called. The owner, being equally brilliant and responsible (in other words, being and incompetent cunt) decided to soften the situation in front of the angry crowd of parents and fired the girl.
Now, first off: the recording wasn't actually even shown to anyone. The parents only claimed to own such a recording and the girl didn't even get a chance to explain herself after listening to it or something. Then the girl and her colleagues tried to reconstruct the day, figure out the context of these sentences. The "how would you like getting kicked (like that)?" was easy to figure out: it was something the girl said to the fucked up parents' boy after he had kicked another kid multiple times (but of course she had NOT done any physical harm to the kid). Eventually they also figured out that other sentence: the girl had said "I'm gonna give it to you (in a moment)" when the kid was asking for a piece of paper to draw on while she was busy taking care of another kid. Still, the girl got fired. Over an illegally made recording and claims by one obviously insane couple. But here comes the kicker: the mother is a judge and the father a lawyer. A motherfucking JUDGE decided to make an illegal recording and falsely report threats of violence which lead to a perfectly innocent person losing her job. And she even admitted in retrospect that she and her husband had probably been wrong and misunderstood the recordings! And all she did then was apologize to the girl who had just lost her job over this insane bullshit.
But what really pisses me off: the girl decided to just let it go. Just accept the situation and look for another job. You know, in this insane country people keep bitching about corruption and incompetent officials, seriously, Poles love bitching about everything. We truly are a nation of bitchers. But does anybody actually do anything? I mean for fuck's sake, what angers me most about this story is how the girl dealt with this situation. She was too proud to report this or anything and now a judge like this is remaining in office without facing ANY consequences, without even a report or anything being filed anywhere. Her colleagues are proud of her but for fuck's sake, it was a disgusting and selfish choice she made. Because of people behaving like this stuff like this shit keeps happening here. Other people may face court and have their fates depend on a judge who is either willing to break the law or does not know the law! The girl was in the perfect position to not only get compensation for this harm that was done to her but actually improve the situation in this country a tiny little bit. I'm equally pissed at the girl as I am at the insane parents who got her fired. I sometimes feel like this country is one big mental home.
Jacob_1994: One question to you guys, did your life improve when you moved out of your parent's house?