Ragnarblackmane: I just wanted to say that ToxicTom made some good points here, especially the part about "manliness". Modern ideas of masculinity and femininity are changing to reflect a much more complex world, getting more complex every day,week,month, and year. We must all adapt to this or risk feeling even more isolated,depressed, and helpless.
Seek what ye needs most, and if there are any physical people who can help you, dare to ask them for aid.
Depression? Of course it is. I'm fighting it since the age 3. I know a lot about it and that brain works a bit differentl affecting the mood level. And of course it's a good idea to rely on others and seek help whenever you can. As for my family I can only rely on my mother. My father left the family long time ago, and when our paths suddenly crossed again, it was only because of his wife's dept was sold to some crazy gang which had nothing better to do when to threaten my life in my own house. My brother was the only person who seems to perceive things the same way as I do, and he managed to overcome himself, he earned a good money and build himself into a good looking athlete. Then he decided to go to war and was killed in action on the 2nd day, it's a great loss especially for me and my mother. So I have only my mother left. But I can't always rely on her, she needs my help more than I hers. And our parents will not live forever.
I'm in a bad shape because I got cold, due to specific brain patterns, abstinence syndrome from drugs withdrawal, no purpose in life, and absolutely no money to simple buy food, and also the bills for rent.
My mother perfectly knows about this (except for drugs, but she might suspect something). Oh, first thing I do when I earn my next salary is to go get some professional help, be sure of it.
But for now I will not seek help outside. It's not about masculinity or the world view. It's because of some little dignity I still have. Call it proud if you like. Samurais would call it "honor" :)))
But your point and toxicTom's are absolutely logical and correct. Please get my point, I was only bitched about my life in general, and I specifically mentioned my ex :)
You don't really think I can get suicidal or something, I have overcame this problem long time ago in school. You see it's just plain stupid to end your torment in life unless you have no other way (like last stage of cancer or mortal wound, or maybe some flesh eating zombie feasting on you).
I don't need a professional help before I can actually afford it.